Definition of


IndissolubleThe Latin word indissolubĭlis came to Spanish as indissoluble . This adjective is used to describe something that cannot be dissolved .

The verb to dissolve , on the other hand, can refer to making something be incorporated into a liquid by separating its particles or to decomposing an element by breaking the bond that exists between its components. When this separation or decomposition cannot be achieved, the product or substance is indissoluble.

The notion is often used in a symbolic sense. Members of a couple , for example, may claim to have an indissoluble bond . Both claim to have overcome difficult times and all kinds of trials and, therefore, are convinced that they will never separate.

For the Catholic Church , a marriage is indissoluble. Doctrine states that this indissolubility is given by divine will. That is why those who marry through the religious rite of Catholicism, in theory must be together “until death do them part.” The union is indissoluble, unlike what happens with a civil marriage (which can be broken by divorce). In practice, of course, those who are married in the Church can separate and follow independent paths, although they no longer have the possibility of remarrying under the precepts of Catholicism.

The Catholic Church relies on a long list of reasons to justify the idea of ​​marriage as an indissoluble contract. However, when a couple stops working, when two people no longer understand or love each other, the worst thing they can do is stay together out of necessity. It is natural to make mistakes, and this should not be considered an offence or a lack of legitimacy: if the flame goes out, then the healthiest decision is to separate, trying not to destroy the good times.

It is also often said that the Internet is now an integral part of everyday life . For most people, it is not possible to live without using this computer network, since many social contacts and work and academic activities are carried out via the Web.

IndissolubleTo understand the term indissoluble more thoroughly, we can refer to a dictionary of synonyms in search of others that allow us to appreciate its different nuances. In this case, we will see more than one list, which respond to the various meanings it receives in each case. If we understand indissoluble as unionist , that is, as belonging to the political doctrine that defends and supports the union between nations or parties, then we can cite the following synonyms: undivided, inseparable, solidary, one, unitary and inherent .

Note that among the aforementioned synonyms is the pronoun uno , which can be used in both the masculine and feminine; although it does not belong to the same type of word as indissoluble , since the latter is an adjective, it is possible to use them in the same context to express that a bond cannot be broken: «Tú y yo somos indissolubles / somo uno» .

On the other hand, we can list the synonyms belonging to the meaning of immutable that refers to the immutable , that is, to that which does not change: unalterable, invariable , permanent and perennial . In this case, we can think of a contract that is considered indissoluble, since it cannot be broken; depending on the context and the point of view, it can also be described as unalterable, permanent or invariable.

As we can see throughout the different meanings and synonyms, there are ideas that are repeated, such as firmness, stability , constancy in formation or in a substance, which do not change or suffer alteration of their parts.