Definition of



Increase can be used as a synonym for increase.

The concept of increase , which comes from the Latin word incrementum , refers to an increase . When something registers an increase, therefore, it grows.

A Latin term that, in turn, derives from the verb increasere which means "to make bigger" and which is the result of the union of several lexical components:

-The prefix in- , which is synonymous with “inward” and also with “without” or “no”.

-The verb crescere , which can be translated as “to grow.”

-The suffix -mentum , which is used to indicate result.

-The ending -are , which is used to shape verbs.

For example: "According to a study carried out by a consulting firm, the average increase in salaries in the last year was 14%" , "The increase in the number of orphaned children due to acts of violence generates great concern" , "The “The country is not in a position to respond to a new increase in energy demand.”

Growth, development o extension son algunas de las palabras que funcionan como sinónimo de incremento. Por el contrario, entre sus antónimos nos topamos con términos tales como descent, fall, decline o reduction.

Increase in the economy

The idea of ​​increase frequently appears in the field of economics . Prices , costs , salaries and inflation are just some of the variables that are measured in figures: when the figures increase, an increase occurs.

Suppose that, in a hotel , the double room has a rate of $500 per night. Due to changes in costs, the establishment's managers decide to raise prices and that same room now has a rate of $750 per night. It can be said, therefore, that the rate suffered an increase of 50% .


Depending on the variable, the increase can be positive or negative.

The concept in physics and the workplace

It is also important to know that increase is a term that is widely used within the field of physics to determine the increase of a specific variable , such as, for example, speed. In that case, when representing the aforementioned increment or undertaking a formula in which it is used, the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet is used: the delta .

In the workplace, this word that concerns us is used in the same way. Thus, for example, we can indicate that in Spain in the period between the last months of 2019, the Government has carried out an increase in the minimum professional salary. Specifically, it has been established that this amount reaches 950 euros for the economy of all citizens and families.

More uses of the term increase

Increments, in short, can appear in multiple contexts. An increase may occur in an individual's weight , in the number of hours worked per week, in the amount paid for rent or in the legal obligations that exist to open a business, to name a few possibilities.

When analyzing census data, increases can also be detected. If 300,000 people lived in a city in 2000 and now 390,000 live there, there was an increase of 90,000 inhabitants .