Definition of



When someone joins a group or team, they specify their incorporation into it.

Incorporation is a term that has its etymological origin in Latin. Specifically, it is the result of the sum of two clearly differentiated Latin parts: the prefix in- , which can be translated as “inwards,” and the word corpus , which is synonymous with “body.”

Incorporation is the action and effect of incorporating or incorporating . This verb, for its part, refers to joining or adding something to something else so that it becomes a whole; to recline the body that was lying down; or to join other people to form a body.

Different uses of the term incorporation

The first meaning is linked to adding a part or an element to a set . For example: “After cooking, we proceed to add half a glass of red wine and then let it cool” , “With the addition of bleach to the preparation, the mixture is ready to use” , “The addition of the screws additional allows us to secure the shelves with greater precision.”

Incorporating, on the other hand, can be the action of getting up from being reclined or lying down : “After being in bed for so long, precautions must be taken when it comes to incorporation” , “It didn't hurt at all until the moment of incorporation "There I felt a pull on my back," "The slow recovery after the fall foreshadowed a major injury."

The notion is also used to name a person who joins some type of team or group . This means that, compared to the rest of the members, he will be the newest: “The brand new addition from Real Madrid has scored three goals in the first two games,” “With the incorporation of a new Sales Director, the company has renewed its entire management team” , “The incorporation of two pediatricians will help us provide better health service in the northern area” .


The incorporation of a vehicle into traffic occurs when it stops being parked and begins to circulate.

The concept in history

Various events have taken place within history that also revolve around an incorporation. One of the most significant we can say is the incorporation of women into what would be the world of work , thus leaving their only function until the moment of acting as caregiver for their children or parents and as a housewife.

The First World War is considered to be the event that allowed, for the first time and in a widespread manner, women to fully enter the labor market. And the fact is that the march of men to the war fields forced them to have to take the reins of business in order to continue subsisting and to be able to generate the wealth and goods that the population needed.

Furthermore, we can also say that incorporation is a fundamental term when talking about how certain countries become part of institutions or groups such as the European Union or NATO .

Incorporation into traffic

In the same way, it should be noted that within the field of traffic the word that concerns us now is also used.

Thus, for example, it is said that the incorporation of a car has occurred when it stops being parked and begins to circulate on the relevant road or highway.