Definition of


UncontestedWith etymological origin in the Latin word inconcussus , inconcusus is an adjective that is used to describe that which does not entail any type of doubt . The inconclusive, therefore, is certain .

For example: “That the national economy has accumulated several four-month declines is an incontrovertible fact that no one can deny,” “There are people who try to impose their own opinions as if they were inconclusive truths,” “It is incontrovertible that the national team has won more games.” of those he lost in the last five years, although it is interesting to analyze which rivals he faced in that period .

It can be said that the incontrovertible is incontrovertible and evident . While there are issues that can be debated or refuted, the uncontested does not allow for objections or challenges .

Let's take the case of a legislator who participated in all the parliamentary sessions that took place throughout the year. His attendance at each session can be confirmed by consulting the official record: that he fulfilled his obligation to attend the debates, therefore, is uncontested . Nobody can deny it since there is evidence to prove it. However, it is possible to reflect on the importance of his work, studying how many legislative projects he presented, what participation he had in the meetings, how he voted, etc.

That the demographic rate of a region has been falling for a decade can also be an incontrovertible reality if the statistics demonstrate it. The reasons that led to this situation, however, can be discussed and questioned based on the subjective perspectives and points of view of each person.

At the beginning of this definition we pointed out that the term unfinished has its origins in Latin, and it is interesting to note that in its ancient meaning we found the same idea, of something " immovable ." There are many more synonyms that we can add, some of which we have already mentioned in the previous paragraphs, and that is why we will bring them together below: evident, certain, incontestable, indisputable, unquestionable, inconvertible, undeniable, irrefutable, unimpeachable and indubitable .

UncontestedMost of these words begin with the prefix in- , which serves to denote "deprivation" or " denial " to different types of words, both nouns ( inaction, incommunication, impatience ) and verbs ( incommunicate, immobilize, worry ) or, for example, of course, adjectives ( endless, immobile, inactive ). In some cases, this prefix becomes im- , if it precedes a b or a p , or i- , before l or r .

In life there are very few things that are uncontested in contrast to all those that can be questioned. In fact, it depends largely on each person's vision whether there is even any uncontested, since throughout the history of our species we have changed our minds more than once regarding issues in all areas, from sciences to morality. Could we say that a disease that is incurable today can never be fought? Could we ensure that behavior that is currently considered immoral will always be seen in the same way? The answer, almost inconclusive, is "no."

Despite all this, human beings must cling to certain truths, without thinking that in the future they will cease to be true, because it is the only way we can aspire to emotional stability . On this basis we build our entire lives: our friendships, our family ties, our studies and professions.

We trust that you will hold firm, like someone buying land for their future home: if the chances of structural damage from soil problems were too high, they would keep looking. We do the same with the emotional plane, we support it in these supposed truths , in these questions that today are incontrovertible because we believe so.