Definition of

Labor inclusion

Inclusion in the workplace

Authentic labor inclusion is guaranteeing a decent job to those who, because they are part of a minority or have a particular condition, must make a great effort not to be ignored and to be able to progress.

Labor inclusion is a concept formed by an idea linked to insertion and containment or consideration in the professional field. It encompasses policies, programs and actions aimed at providing decent work and equal opportunities to individuals who, for different reasons, find themselves in a situation of vulnerability or marginalization .

The objective is to achieve real equity in practice that is reflected in pleasant, fair, diverse work environments free of all types of violence . To achieve this, it is essential to form teams and work relationships marked by non-discrimination , good communication and empathy . Collective spirit, commitment, responsibility, tolerance and respect should always be the bases of any work group that aspires to unity beyond human differences.

The opportunities and support to enter and stay in the labor market must be accentuated for those who, in general terms (and due to prejudices or myths), do not have a very easy task of being hired. This happens in cases of disability , a certain sexual orientation or when identifying with a certain religion , for example.

Examples of labor inclusion

Although on a global scale we still have to continue defending rights and reinforcing demands so that more and more countries have inclusion policies aimed at decent work , fortunately labor inclusion is a reality that continues to grow.

In some nations, for example, by law, a quota reserved for people who have a disability must be filled in the State . In addition to this, changes are being implemented in both the public and private sectors to facilitate and ensure accessibility for people with disabilities .

In the media and in the artistic field, social inclusion (and respect for the integrity and honor of each human being) is demonstrated every time a trans woman is hired for an important position (host of a program or protagonist of a work).

The number of companies that decide to employ men and women with Down syndrome is also increasing, just as there are companies and ventures that value the most experienced segment and then give jobs to middle- and elderly people (over forty years old and even, in more than one case, older adults who need to get extra money to survive because the pension they receive is not enough to cover their basic needs).

Business meeting

Inclusion and diversity in the workplace benefit workplace dynamics through the retention of diverse talent and diversity of skills, for example.

Types and characteristics

Labor inclusion always aims to minimize or avoid inequalities in the workplace. However, it can be segmented into multiple categories depending on the profile of who must be taken into account for a position and the measures aimed at this purpose.

The inclusion of ethnic minorities , to indicate a possibility as a reference, requires an environment in which there is cultural awareness or sensitization in pursuit of harmonious coexistence . Efforts and directives here must be directed towards understanding and empathy , discouraging (and sanctioning) any act of cultural or racial discrimination motivated by prejudice, ignorance or rejection towards minority groups.

Gender inclusion , likewise, seeks to go beyond employing women: in this sense, the female gender fights for equality in relevant positions or hierarchical positions, equal pay and the elimination (or, at least, the reduction) of the gender gap .

The labor inclusion of people with functional diversity , the inclusion of veterans , the LGBTQ+ inclusion , the inclusion of migrants and the inclusion in the public as well as the private sector are other varieties that account for the broad field covered by the issue. of the need for job placement that includes all worker profiles without excuses or limitations of any kind.

Women in the workplace

Women have been gaining space in the workplace, but there are still fights to be made to eliminate gender inequality.

Importance of labor inclusion

Labor inclusion is important, basically, because it aspires to address inequalities, to provide concrete and real opportunities to guarantee without exceptions the right to a decent job and to position talent, commitment and effort above any difficulty, trait, condition or impediment that is socially interpreted as a reason for social exclusion .

Labor inclusion is also an ally of social development and economic growth. Likewise, it favors the integration of the population and gives autonomy, security, stability and well-being to each of the employees. It also requires infrastructure adaptations that demonstrate a genuine intention to eliminate barriers to work performance (installing ramps, elevators, and large bathrooms in workplaces to facilitate movement for those who use a wheelchair, for example).

Through inclusive hiring , companies can even have motivated, productive staff committed to the firm. Thanks to this, improvements are achieved in the work environment on a human level, the corporate image is favored and it is even possible to take advantage of talents that, perhaps due to prejudices, fears or stereotypes to leave them out of the work circuit , had never been discovered, made visible or stimulated. .