Definition of



A fire is the fire that destroys that which was not intended to burn.

Fire is a large fire that destroys that which is not intended to burn . The emergence of a fire implies that the occurrence of fire is out of control , with risk to living beings, homes and any structure.

In addition, it is important to keep in mind that there are three elements that must come together for this fire to finally occur (a term from the Latin incendĭum ). Specifically, we are referring to heat , the relevant fuel and oxygen .

For example: “A fire destroyed a tire factory in Saint John” , “Two people died in a fire that took place on the outskirts of the city” , “We lost our home and all our belongings due to a tragic fire” .

Severity of a fire

No less important is knowing that fires can be more or less serious, for example, depending on the materials that caused them or what is being burned. Thus, those are divided into those of organic matter, those of liquids, those of flammable gases or those of metals that are combustible.

It is important to distinguish between the uncontrolled fire that produces a fire and the fire that originated with the objective of burning waste or lighting firewood. Fire does not always have negative or harmful consequences: however, a fire created by man for a certain purpose can get out of control and lead to a fire.


Firefighters fight fires.

How to act

Once the fire occurs, living beings can die not only from burns, but also from the poisoning caused by smoke inhalation. Another fatal consequence derived from a fire is the collapse of a building on people.

When you are involved in a fire, whatever type it may be, it is important not only to remain calm as much as possible but also to follow a series of recommendations. And it is the only way to emerge safely from this serious incident.

Specifically, firefighters and other security forces recommend raising the alarm, taking people in danger to a safe place, using a fire extinguisher if one exists, and never leaving the building. that is burning because of the elevators, use the emergency stairs and if you can't get out, go up to the roof.

Likewise, it is also advisable that if someone gets trapped in a specific room, what they should do is place towels or wet clothing to cover any smoke inlet, cover their nose and mouth with a wet cloth, and stand level with the floor.

Causes of fires

Among the most common causes of fires are failures in electrical installations, fuel leaks and accidents with candles, cigarettes and other sources of fire. The state or civil force that is dedicated to fighting fires is firefighters.

In a symbolic sense, a fire is an impetuous and vehement passion : “In the midst of kisses and caresses, a fire broke out between us,” “When the people explode and demonstrate in the streets, no leader is safe from the fire.”