Definition of


InaccessibleThe inaccessible is that which is not accessible . The concept comes from the Latin word inaccessibĭlis .

For example: “Navy experts believe that the submarine sank quickly and was stranded in an inaccessible area ,” “A car of this type is inaccessible to the majority of the population,” “Due to the flood, the town was left inaccessible by land .

The idea of ​​access can refer to entering or reaching a site . It can also refer to making contact with something . The opposite of these actions is described as inaccessible.

An inaccessible place, therefore, cannot be reached or entered . Suppose that, through satellite technology, an archaeologist detects the ruins of an ancient town in the middle of a jungle. Due to the exuberant vegetation and the lack of roads, this archaeological site is inaccessible: people do not have the possibility of going there and visiting it.

Furthermore, what is unattainable can be mentioned as inaccessible. Let's imagine that the income of the people who make up the lower class of a society barely reaches 3,000 units of currency per month. The cheapest homes, meanwhile, have a value of about 800,000 currency units. For a lower-class individual to buy a property, therefore, he would have to allocate all of his income for more than two decades to the operation, something impractical. That is why it can be said that becoming a homeowner is inaccessible for those who are part of the lower class.

InaccessibleThis meaning is related to the idea of ​​"getting" to something in life, of "reaching" our dreams (in the sense of "touching" them with our hands), which symbolically represent the action of fulfilling a goal as a result of a lasting and unbreakable commitment. Effort focused on a well-defined goal over a given period of time can offer us very satisfactory results, just as a long trip can allow us to visit a place we long to visit.

The concept of access borders on the permission, right or privilege of having a property or being in a certain place. If we convince ourselves that our dreams are impossible to fulfill because that house or that job seems inaccessible to us, then we lose the strength to move forward just as a child becomes frustrated when he or she is overruled by excessive scolding. It is not productive to think about what we cannot do, unless we simply try to draw up an action plan that does not block us at those points; On the other hand, something inaccessible can become a real challenge that elevates us.

On the other hand, there is the meaning of inaccessible that serves to describe a person who is relatively closed to relationships with his or her environment. In this framework we can recognize different cases. First of all, we can say that someone is inaccessible if they are not very nice or if they do not have enough social tools to deal with others. It is also possible to say that someone is unavailable if they refuse to open up on an emotional level; For example, if you do not tend to talk with your friends about your deepest problems but limit yourself to discussing superficial topics.

A person who is too busy, whose agenda is full of obligations, may be inaccessible to those who try to arrange an interview with them. This can happen with professionals from different areas, both legitimately and due to the intention of avoiding direct contact with others. When calling her office, for example, they will always give us an excuse to prevent us from speaking with her.