Definition of


In order to know the meaning of the improper term, it is necessary, first of all, to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we have to explain that it derives from Latin, exactly from “impropius”, which is the result of the sum of the following lexical components:

-The prefix “im-”, which can be translated as “not without”.

-The element “pro”, which is used to indicate “in favor”.

-The term “private”, which is synonymous with “private”.

-The suffix “-io”, which is used to indicate “effect or result”.

The concept can refer to what is foreign to a situation, an element or an individual . It can also refer to the lack of the necessary properties according to the circumstances.

ImproperFor example: "These statements are inappropriate for an official, who has the obligation to represent the entire society" , "The club leaders indicated that it was an act inappropriate for a professional athlete" , "Consider an animal as a decorative object and painting it in colors is inappropriate.”

Among the words that function as a synonym for improper, we can highlight some such as inconvenient, inappropriate, inadequate, strange, foreign or unworthy. On the contrary, among its antonyms we find others such as proper, adequate, appropriate, worthy, convenient or even opportune.

Take the case of a journalist who hosts a television news program . This communicator is expected to express themselves respectfully and present news objectively and professionally. It would be inappropriate, therefore, for him to say expletives in front of the camera or to attack interviewees that he does not like, to name two possibilities.

There are, on the other hand, codes of etiquette and social norms that indicate how to dress and behave in certain areas. It is inappropriate for a man invited to a wedding to attend the ceremony wearing shorts and a football shirt, or for someone to eat fruit on public transport, throw the peels on the ground and spit the seeds out of a window.

Suppose two people are analyzing the possibility of starting a partnership to carry out a business together. They both cross paths casually in a shopping center, accompanied by their respective families. Despite the need to talk about the possible agreement, they realize that the context is inappropriate since they should neglect their families, so they decide to leave the talk for another occasion.

Within the scope of Law we have to say that the term in question is also used. Specifically, it is used to expose a type of bribery. This is a crime that consists of a public official accepting or requesting a gift in the exercise of his or her position to perform or omit an act within the scope of his or her duties.

Specifically, there is improper bribery, which is when the official receives a gift in consideration of the position he or she holds, and then there is proper bribery. This, for its part, consists of the person carrying out an action that is contrary to the duties he or she has for the position he or she occupies.