Definition of



The laying on of hands is a common practice in religion.

Imposition , from the Latin impositio , is the action and effect of imposing or imposing . This verb refers to placing an obligation or a burden , instilling respect or fear, putting money at a profit or instructing someone in something.

An imposition, therefore, can be the action that attempts to force someone to do something . For someone to be in a position to impose something on another person, they must have greater strength, whether symbolic or physical. For example: “I don't want to travel abroad right now, but it is an imposition from my boss” , “A journalist should not accept the impositions of the power in power to inform” , “With his imposition he tried to demoralize me, but he failed” .

Imposition as pressure

The concept of imposition, understood as the pressure exerted by one or more people on another or others to pursue a specific objective, is a phenomenon that takes place in many areas of life, although we are not always aware of it. First of all, it is important to distinguish between two basic types of taxation, which can be called direct and indirect , depending on the means used to make it effective and the relationship that exists between the parties involved.

In the first group, it is possible to say that a direct imposition occurs when, for example, a father forces his children to behave in a certain way, to believe in his religion, to respect what he respects, to marry someone he have chosen either with a person of a particular class and gender or to study a career and follow a specific professional path. The cases just mentioned represent a small percentage of the most notable, but there are a large number of situations of imposition by parents towards their children.

On the other hand, there is indirect imposition , which receives this name because it is one or more mandates that are transmitted through a culture, from generation to generation, with the help of the mass media or entities that are dedicated to gather people around a series of ideals, among other possibilities.

There are endless impositions that seem to mix with oxygen itself, as if they belonged to nature, as if they were unquestionable laws , although in reality they are nothing more than capricious inventions of human beings. To cite an example, machismo is an incalculable force, which cleverly blends into society and seeks to convince us that women are the weaker sex, homosexuality is a disease, men should feel an affinity for sports and women should desire be mothers and fulfill the role of housewives.


An imposition can be a tax set by the State.

a tribute

An imposition can also be a tribute , an obligation or a burden that is imposed. In this sense, taxes are impositions established by the State .

“I have to comply with the monthly tax or, otherwise, I will have problems with the treasury”, “The taxes are destroying the agricultural industry” y “The mayor announced a new tax on property owners” son frases que muestran este uso.

Laying on of hands

The laying on of hands , on the other hand, is a frequent practice in the field of religion , which allows the action of God to reach a person through the hands of an intermediary (such as a priest, a pastor, etc.) .

In the Catholic Church , the laying on of hands is used to transmit the grace of the Holy Spirit to those people who receive certain sacraments. Catholic priests appeal to the laying on of hands to bless, accompanying this action with prayers.

Reiki is also based on the laying on of hands. Its practitioners claim that, in this way, they channel universal vital energy.