Definition of



A ruthless police officer accepts no excuses nor is he ruthless in enforcing the law.

The first step we are going to take to discover the meaning of the term implacable is to know its etymological origin. In this case, we have to emphasize that it is a word that derives from Latin, specifically it comes from “implacabilis”, which is the result of the sum of the following lexical components of said language:

-The prefix “in-”, which is used to indicate negation.

-The verb “placare”, which is synonymous with “calm” or “appease”.

-The suffix “-ble”, which is used to make a possibility clear.

The concept is used to describe what cannot be appeased .

Relentless concept

The verb appease , in turn, refers to calming, appeasing or tempering something . Therefore, the implacable cannot be palliated, weakened or dominated .

For example: “The government assured that it will be ruthless with businesses that sell alcoholic beverages to minors,” “A judge must always be ruthless with murderers,” “The Egyptian striker was ruthless in the first part of the match: he scored three goals in just half an hour."

Without contemplations

It is possible to understand the notion of implacable in different ways. Generally the term is used in reference to someone who has no contemplations or mercy and takes advantage of all his power or ability to accomplish an objective or reach a goal.

Specifically, among the synonyms of implacable we find words such as inexorable, vengeful, cruel, inveterate, merciless, hard or inflexible. On the contrary, among its antonyms there are terms such as clement, indulgent, pious, compassionate, soft, benevolent or condescending, for example.


Unforgiving teachers are very strict.

Examples of relentless people

Let's imagine that a teacher orders her students to write a three-page text about World War II . Students have one week to complete the task and submit the work. When delivery day arrives, the teacher is ruthless: anyone who did not complete the essay is graded with a 1 . The educator does not accept any justification or grant extra time to anyone.

A relentless police officer , meanwhile, is one who fulfills his duty responsibly and with professionalism and effort. When patrolling, he is always attentive and if he detects any irregular situation or a suspicious individual, he immediately approaches to find out what is happening. If he discovers a crime or misdemeanor, he proceeds to act as required by law , without tolerating excuses.

a movie

In the same way, we cannot ignore the existence of a film that has the term that concerns us now in its title. We are referring to “The Implacable” .

It is a suspense film of North American origin that was released in 2017 under the direction of Martin Campbell. It is based on the novel “The Chinaman” (1992), written by Stephen Leather.