Definition of


The Latin word impenetrabĭlis came to our language as impenetrable . This word is derived, in turn, from the verb "penetrare", which can be translated as "enter inside".

The concept is used to describe that which is impossible to penetrate .

There are numerous words that can serve as a synonym for impenetrable and among them are hermetic, secret, indecipherable, closed or inaccessible, for example. On the contrary, among its antonyms we can refer to open, penetrable or accessible.

ImpenetrableThe term is usually associated with what cannot be crossed, overcome or violated . For example: "The government assures that the border, in this region, is impenetrable thanks to surveillance and geographical barriers," "Since the Colombian arrived, the goal of the team from the capital is impenetrable: the team has had five games with the undefeated fence» , «An impenetrable steel shell protects the jewel» .

The adjective , on the other hand, can be used with reference to an individual who does not express his feelings, emotions or points of view : "My grandfather was an impenetrable, parsimonious and undemonstrative man" , "As a psychologist, I usually encounter patients who seem impenetrable, although as the sessions progress they always end up opening" , "Investigators are concerned because the suspect is impenetrable and there is no direct evidence that allows us to reliably determine how the events occurred."

Impenetrable is also that which is indecipherable or difficult to understand: "For me, adolescents speak in an impenetrable language" , "Archaeologists assured that, for the moment, the code is impenetrable" , "I have read two novels by this author, but "They seemed impenetrable to me."

Finally, a region of native forest in northern Argentina is known as Impenetrable . With an area of ​​more than 40,000 square kilometers, most of the Impenetrable is developed in the province of Chaco , although it also covers areas of Santiago del Estero , Salta and Formosa .

The name of Impenetrable is linked to the dense vegetation, which includes tree species such as the carob, the quebracho, the palo santo and the palo drunk. Animals such as the anteater, the jaguar, the corzuela, the puma, the alligator and the tatú carreta coexist there.

The Bermejo or Teuco rivers are found in this corner of Argentina, as well as the famous Parrot Talking Provincial Park, which receives this name because the unique animal that lives there is called that.

Other interesting information about Impenetrable are the following:

-There is a continental semitropical climate, which means that it is marked both by very extreme temperatures in the summer months and by a lot of drought.

-From the late 90s until 2006, a large number of hectares were lost in this area. This was due, among many other things, to the fact that a deforestation process was carried out without any kind of control.

-Currently, it is estimated that around 60,000 people live in Impenetrable. Among them are not only farmers and ranchers but also natives belonging to the Toba and Wichí ethnic groups. A large part of this population supports its economy by raising goats and sheep. However, members of the aforementioned ethnic groups also opt for collecting fruits from the forests, hunting and fishing.