Definition of


ImpartThe verb impart comes from the Latin word impartīre and refers to granting, supplying or providing something . The concept is usually used with respect to issues that are not material.

For example: “To regain the trust of the population, the Judiciary must administer justice and not accommodate its rulings according to the convenience of certain sectors” , “The pianist is going to give a master class in the auditorium of the Teatro Central” , “The local government committed to providing free sexual education lessons in various areas of the city.”

Education is a public good that must be provided to the entire community. It is a human right : all human beings have the right to be trained and educated. That is why the State must guarantee that classes are given to children so that they complete compulsory education, in addition to facilitating the training of citizens in general through courses , workshops , etc.

Imparting education , in this framework, involves carrying out certain activities where an educator (teacher, professor, tutor) teaches something to a learner (student, student, apprentice). If in a cultural center a theater director is dedicated to teaching acting classes, what he does is transmit his knowledge to those who come with the aim of learning.

It is also often said that justice is dispensed. In this case, the action of imparting is carried out by the competent bodies and persons of the Judiciary , who are in charge of issuing the rulings that resolve the disputes. A judge who orders a company to financially compensate a deceived consumer is dispensing justice.

Therefore, the Judiciary is in charge of administering justice, something that can also be said with the expression administering justice . For this, legal norms are created, which are grouped according to their "nature" and their position in the hierarchy. Some have an international scope, such as certain treaties, and therefore guarantee some rights of people from various countries beyond the laws of their region.

It is important to note that the decisions of the Judiciary do not always appear balanced, since in some cases they harm people who have not committed any crime. This occurs because in the search for order within a society it is not easy to satisfy all parties, since the interests of each one can generate conflicts with those of the others.

ImpartHuman beings, among other species, have the need to live in society and this entails inevitable clashes with the rest of the individuals in a community . To understand this, let's look at a basic example: two people see a fruit under the shade of a tree and both decide to take it. Which of the two should keep it? What method should we use to determine this? Could they confront each other using force to decide it? What should be the limit of such a confrontation?

Given the centuries of evolution of our morals and social norms, no one in their right mind would suggest that they face death to decide who gets the fruit; in fact, not even fighting, since this would also be illegal. In any case, each individual can proceed as they wish, although there will always come a time when the authorities will be able to deliver justice so that those who have crossed the limits pay for their actions and the victims receive compensation.

If we look up the word impart in a thesaurus, we won't get a particularly extensive list, partly because its use is not very common in everyday speech. Let's look at some of the terms that we can use to replace it in our speech: distribute , give, communicate, distribute, allocate and transmit .

At first glance, we can notice that some of these synonyms clearly reflect the aforementioned meanings: both communicating and transmitting are actions that are carried out when educating someone. However, to give the idea of ​​dispensing justice, none of them seem to be so adequate.