Definition of



An illustration can be a drawing.

Illustration is the action and effect of illustrating (drawing, decorating). The term allows us to name the drawing , print or engraving that adorns, documents or decorates a book .

For example: “This book has a beautiful illustration of a unicorn,” “The illustrations for my latest novel were made by a French artist.” “I want a book with illustrations of animals to give to my son.”

In this same sense, it must be stated that illustration is a term that is also commonly used to refer to the periodical publication that is usually composed of both text and plates and drawings of various types.

Illustration as understanding

The verb illustrate can also be used as a synonym for giving light to understanding : “Thanks to the doctor, we are going to be enlightened about epidemiology,” “I am going to enlighten you on the matter through this conference.”

This use of the concept is related to the Enlightenment as a philosophical movement that emerged in the 18th century and was characterized by highlighting the predominance of reason . Illustration is the name given to this movement and the time in which it developed.

The Age of Enlightenment

This historical stage was also called the Age of Enlightenment, which in addition to the aforementioned hallmarks opted for another series of essential characteristics such as hypercriticism, imitation, universalism and idealism.

Enlightenment thinkers believed that, through human reason, it was possible to combat ignorance and superstition. Reason would also help to end tyrannies and build a better world.

The leaders of the movement felt chosen to educate the people and lead people towards a new type of society . The Enlightenment maintained that the Ancien Regime and absolutism in general relied on the ignorance of the population to establish dominance.

Age of Enlightenment

The Enlightenment as a philosophical movement had Montesquieu among its exponents.

Main references of the Enlightenment

Among the most important figures of this period we should highlight, for example, Montesquieu. This is a politician and thinker who was one of the fathers of the establishment of the theory of separation of powers, which became one of the fundamental pillars of the modern Rule of Law.

Rousseau, who developed important republican theories, or Voltaire, manifestly against fanaticism and intolerance, were two other of the most important and fundamental figures within the Enlightenment movement.

One of the main consequences of the development of the Enlightenment was the change that occurred within society. Specifically, this period established the end of the so-called estate society and the appearance of the bourgeoisie took place. This is an establishment that will manage to gain more and more prominence at all levels. So much so that he will occupy positions of importance at the political level to the detriment of the reigning and dominant aristocracy until that very moment.

It should be noted that the movement was anthropocentric (considers the human being as the center of actions), rationalist (reality is limited to sensible experience) and pragmatic (what is useful is the only valid thing).