Definition of


Burger King

A brand logo, when it represents the company or one of its products through a relationship of similarity, functions as an icon. That happens with the Burger King logo, which refers to a hamburger.

An icon is a sign that, through a relationship of similarity , can represent a certain object . For example: the drawing of a curve on a sign indicates that the driver of a vehicle will encounter, a certain number of meters, a curve in the road.

The term has its etymological origin in a Greek word that derived from the Russian word ikona , in turn transformed into the French word icône. According to the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ), it can be mentioned as icon or icon, both accentuations being valid.

It may be noted that, colloquially, icon is used as a synonym for symbol . However, in various contexts both concepts do not refer to exactly the same thing.

The icon according to Peirce

Semiotician Charles Peirce stated that an icon is a sign that can represent something through some resemblance to any aspect of the object represented .

This North American philosopher established the existence of three types of signs, each with its particularities: symbols, indices and icons.

The concept in computing

In the field of computing , an icon is a schematic graphic representation that is used to identify programs ( software ) or various functions that can be developed with a computer or other device. These digital pictograms contribute to the visual identity of the product and facilitate the use of technological equipment: "You have to double click on the W icon to open Microsoft Word."

The design , style , typography , shape , color , and overall aesthetic of the icon help convey an idea about the software. For example: the illustration that serves as the Paint icon is a painter's palette, which communicates that this application is used to develop an artistic work or that has to do with the image.


The cross is part of Christian iconography.

Religious icon

A religious icon is a brush or relief representation that is usually used in different churches and temples . Hinduism is a religion with very rich iconography , while, at the other extreme, Islam does not promote visual representations (there is, therefore, no Islamic iconography ). Icon painting began to develop in the Byzantine Empire , in the area of ​​Constantinople , and then the tradition spread throughout Russia and Crete .

In the case of Hindu iconography we can emphasize that the icons are also known by the name of murti and in their case the way to show veneration and respect for them is by offering all types of elements such as food or water.

It should be noted that religious icons can be elevated to the category of sacred objects , or simply be ornamental or decorative images .


Due to her relevance, it can be said that Agatha Christie is an icon of police literature.

A cultural icon is an individual or object that, upon gaining widespread recognition, begins to represent a certain feature of a community's identity. These icons are transformed into emblems or insignia .

It can be said that the Eiffel Tower is an icon of Paris . The Parisian cultural identity is associated with this iron structure inaugurated in 1889 that transcends the city and is already a French heritage site. A tradition that is built over the course of history can also be positioned as an icon of culture : drinking mate in Argentina or wearing a kimono in Japan .

On the other hand, a celebrity or a movie , television , or music star can achieve icon status. This is achieved when fame grows and people begin to associate a genre, a style or an activity with the idol in question.

Marilyn Monroe , in this framework, is a Hollywood icon. More than six decades after her death, the glamor of this actress continues to represent the imagination that many people have about the film industry. He is a character, therefore, who transcended his time.

Today, with the rise of social networks, there are influencers who become icons for younger people, who aspire to imitate their lifestyle. In this case, the figure represents what others aspire to (have money, be famous, etc.).

fashion icon

A fashion icon is built through advertising and the media. Certain personalities manage to become references that a large part of society admires for their aesthetics or style, with which they manage to impose trends.

The clothing and accessories that a model, a singer or an actress chooses to appear at an event, to mention one case, become coveted by those who dream of looking like the icon. This produces an impact on society that has economic implications by promoting a business that can be millionaires through the sale of the items.

Related terms

All this leads us to have to propose the existence of two terms that precisely start from the word that we are now analyzing. Thus, on the one hand, there would be what has been called iconicity , which is used to make clear the similarity that exists between a specific object and the image itself.

Iconicity has become a highly studied area, which has even led to various degrees being established in order to analyze it more thoroughly. Thus, among them are photography , cartoons , writing ...

On the other hand, we can allude to the idea of ​​iconoclasm . The iconoclast is that heretic who not only denies the cult that is performed on sacred images, but also destroys them and can even go so far as to persecute the people who do carry out said cult .