Definition of


RummageThe verb to dig , derived from the vulgar Latin furicāre , refers to stirring, agitating or beating something inside another thing . The concept can be used to refer to digging or stirring or to touching with the fingers or hands .

For example: “The young man began to rummage through the garbage in front of the neighbors” , “I'm going to rummage through the drawer to see what I can find” , “I had to rummage through my wallet until I found the pill” .

The notion is usually used in relation to putting one's hand somewhere , usually in search of an item. Let's suppose that a young man tries to find a particular novel inside a box full of books . The boy will start to move the copies with his hands, taking and leaving the works until he detects the novel in question: this means that he is going to rummage through the box .

A person who dips a piece of bread into a fried egg is trying to dig into the yolk so that it can be soaked into the crumb and thus be able to taste it. In this context, the action involves applying a certain amount of pressure with the bread on the yolk and moving it around to absorb the liquid or viscous substance.

To snoop is also linked to to pry, to track or to snoop . Let's take the case of a journalist who is investigating a multimillionaire businessman, suspected of having committed crimes to amass his fortune. The reporter decides to dig through newspaper articles and official documents to reconstruct the various businesses that the tycoon carried out, trying to uncover dark spots.

RummageIn this context, digging into someone's past to find "dirty laundry" to use against them is very common when there are political or economic interests involved. In the case of the journalist who tries to expose the businessman, it may seem at first glance that his investigative work is absolutely disinterested and that it has a purely ethical focus; after all, the fundamental task of this profession is to inform the people and pursue justice above all. However, we must not forget that being the first news professional to reveal a case of fraud can lead to fame.

Political elections give rise to this type of investigation , although in this context it does not matter whether the data found is true, but whether it is effective in sinking the opponent's campaign. It is unfortunate that many times the candidates who remain active are the most twisted, but the thirst for power corrupts many people.

On the other hand, it is also possible to delve into one's own past, although in this case the intention is completely different. As we grow and mature, we go through different stages, each with its own characteristics: we learn new concepts, our motor skills improve and become more complex, we acquire new tools to communicate with others, etc. But one of the most important changes is the vision we have of ourselves throughout life: during childhood and adolescence, the need to affirm our own existence leads us to deny our defects, but this attitude does not help to achieve a deep development of personality and that is why we must abandon it if we want to lead a full life.

Digging into our own past can help us rethink our convictions, reevaluate our principles and try to correct certain errors that have been with us for years due to a lack of attention. It is not easy to go from “I am right” to “am I right?”, but only through this path can we appreciate life beyond our own perspective. By denying the possibility of our errors, we close ourselves off to change and, therefore, to learning new things.