Definition of



The skeleton of vertebrates is made up of bones.

Bone is a term originating from the Latin ossum . The concept allows us to name the hard pieces that make up the skeleton of vertebrates . For example: "Yesterday I fell off the motorcycle and broke a bone" , "A player suffers a terrible open fracture and is left with an exposed bone" , "My grandmother always complains about bone pain" .

Bones are composed mainly of bone tissue (a special type of connective tissue made up of cells and calcified components) and have covers of cartilage , vessels , nerves and other elements.

In humans , bones have a great capacity for regeneration and reconstitution, fulfilling important functions in protecting vital organs (such as the heart or brain ) and allowing movement of the body (since it forms the musculoskeletal system).

bone diseases

Causes of bone diseases include infections, poor nutrition, genetic problems, and cancer. Below are some of the most common disorders that directly affect the skeleton:


It is a condition that causes the loss of a lot of bone mass , after which the bones become weak and can break very easily. The meaning of the term is literally "porous bones" . It is worth mentioning that the people most at risk of suffering from this disease are white women, especially once they have gone through menopause, since they no longer have the estrogen necessary to keep their bones safe from potential fractures. The ideal stage to prevent its appearance is between 25 and 40 years, and it is recommended to take calcium supplements, as well as exercise muscles with weights. Curiously, swimming does not directly contribute to the fight against osteoporosis, despite being considered the most complete sport.

Osteogenesis imperfecta

Also known as brittle bones , it is a genetic disease that is caused by a problem in collagen deposition, which causes special fragility in the skeleton.


It is a disease that occurs in the first years of life, and appears due to not being exposed to enough sunlight, or due to not having enough vitamin D in the body. In both cases, the bones soften and become deformed, especially those that make up the lower extremities. It is usually the reason why the legs bow.


This is a form of rickets that appears in adulthood. It is more common in women with nutritional problems who have been mothers several times.

Posture disorders

They are abnormal curves in the spine, generally caused by osteoporosis or congenital problems. The three most common are lordosis (very pronounced lumbar curve , common in pregnant women and men with obesity while the excess weight lasts), scoliosis (lateral curve visible when looking at the back) and kyphosis (commonly called hump , it is a curve of the thoracic vertebrae).


Bones can suffer from various types of diseases.

Other uses of the term

When used in the plural, the term can refer to the mortal remains of a person: "His bones were transferred to the cemetery of his hometown," "The singer had requested that, after his death, his bones be housed in the vault." familiar" .

The notion of stone is also used to name the hard part in the center of some fruits that contains the seed . In this case, bone can be synonymous with stone : "Be careful with the olives, they have stones," "Don't choke on the stone of the cherries."

What causes a lot of work or is uncomfortable can be defined as bone: "The rival will be a tough nut to crack," "And now what are we going to do with this bone?" .