Definition of



HTML is considered a markup language.

HTML is a markup language used for the development of Internet pages. This is the acronym that corresponds to HyperText Markup Language , that is, Hypertext Markup Language , which could be translated as Document Format Language for Hypertext .

It is an open format that emerged from SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) tags. Concept generally translated as "Generalized Markup Language Standard" and understood as a system that allows various documents to be ordered and labeled within a list. This language is the one used to specify the names of the labels that will be used when ordering, there are no rules for said organization, which is why it is said to be an open format system.

What is HTML for?

HTML is responsible for developing a description of the content that appears as text and its structure, complementing said text with various objects (such as photographs, animations, etc.).

It is a very simple and general language that is used to define other languages ​​that have to do with the format of documents. The text in it is created from labels , also called tags, that allow various concepts and formats to be interconnected.

To write this language, then, the labels that appear specified through square brackets or angle parentheses are created: and > . Among its components, elements shape the essential structure of the language, since they have two properties (the content itself and its attributes).

On the other hand, it should be noted that HTML allows certain codes known as scripts , which provide specific instructions to the browsers that are responsible for processing the language. Among the scripts that can be added, the most well-known and used are JavaScript and PHP.

Structural and presentational marking

Structural markup is what stipulates the purpose of the text, although it does not define what the element will look like. Presentational markup , for its part, is responsible for indicating how the text will be seen beyond its function.

To know the HTML code used by a web page, we must select View source code in our browser (such as Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox ). Choosing this option will open the text editor with the HTML code of the page being viewed.

Internet page

Internet pages are developed with HTML.

Brief history of HTML

This language was developed by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in 1945 with the aim of developing a storage system where things were not lost, which could be connected through hyperlinks . First they created a device called "memex", which was considered a memory supplement.

Later, Douglas Engelbart designed a computer work environment that would be called oNLine System , which had a catalog to facilitate the search task within the same organization.

It was not until 1965 that Ted Nelson coined the term hyperlink , devising a structure that was connected electronically and that would later allow the creation of the World Wide Web (1989), a hypertext system through which it was possible to share a variety of information. information using the Internet (it was used for communication between nuclear researchers who were part of CERN).

The first description

The North American Tim Berners-Lee was the first to propose a description of HTML in a document he published in 1991 . There he described twenty-two components that represent the most basic and simple design of HTML.

The type of coding that was used for the development of this hyperlink system had to be understood, both by dumb computers and by mega-stations, that is why it was necessary to create one that was absolutely simple, both with regard to the exchange language (HTML) , such as the one that referred to the network protocol (HTTP).

Today there are Web Editors that allow designers, through graphic tools called WYSIWYG , to create web pages without knowing the html code , this is created in an automated way, giving structure to the web and allowing be beyond the computer where it is created. Among the resources that can be linked to the HTML code are photographs, videos, files from other websites or even from the same website and all types of content that is uploaded to the network .