Definition of


LodgingThe notion of lodging is used to refer to the accommodation that is provided to a person. A lodging, therefore, can be an inn , a hotel or a similar establishment.

Companies dedicated to offering lodging services are part of the hospitality sector. Their purpose is to provide shelter to their clients and, generally, other complementary benefits, such as food and recreational options.

Let's take the case of a hotel that is located in Playa del Carmen . Those who visit this town in Mexico can pay a certain fee to access accommodation in a room in said space. In this way, travelers have the possibility of spending the night in a room and, the next morning, having breakfast in the hotel facilities.

The accommodation options are very varied. There are everything from small inns with basic infrastructure to luxury hotels with all the comforts. In each case, of course, the price of accommodation varies.

With modernity also came new ways of understanding the concept of lodging, which go beyond the many types of hotels and their pricing plans. Although the most traditional people continue to opt for hiring a house or a room where they can spend their vacations , for example, those who are not afraid to try new things allow themselves to be tempted by the most recent proposals on the Internet, some of which are mentioned next.

First of all, we have couch surfing , a community of users from all over the world that offers free hosting with the intention of making an unprecedented cultural exchange . This platform is open to all types of people, and this makes it especially interesting for those who do not feel comfortable in traditional hotels, either due to discrimination problems or due to the customs and rules of coexistence typical of these places.

On the other hand, there is home exchange , which is increasingly popular even though it literally consists of allowing a group of strangers to stay in our house for a few days while we enjoy theirs. Although there are risks such as the theft of our belongings or damage to the facilities , these cases are not the majority, but through the service new friendships emerge every day.

In the list of peculiar forms of accommodation, the option of camping in my garden could not be missing, a service that originated in England within the framework of the royal wedding: since so many people needed accommodation to be present during the event and did not have a great budget , someone thought of putting their garden for rent , and this is how this new trend began. Currently, this service is already popular in various parts of the world.

LodgingIf none of these alternatives to traditional accommodation are within our reach, there is always the possibility of sleeping at the airport . It may seem uncomfortable and unhealthy, but there are people who spend several nights in these facilities, using their bathroom services and Internet connection, while taking advantage of the day to visit the city.

In the field of computing , the notion of hosting is associated with web hosting . This is the service that allows you to store digital documents (texts, photos, videos, etc.) so that they are accessible over the Internet.

When a subject wants to have a website , they need to have a hosting where they can save and publish the contents. It can be said that hosting is the place where the web pages are located. This place is a computer that works as a server, to which users connect through their browsers.

To visit the online site of a digital newspaper, for example, an Internet user will write the corresponding address in the browser so that this software can direct him or her to the hosting in question.