Definition of


HomileticsThe application of the notions of rhetoric within the framework of preaching is called homiletics . It can be considered as an art or a discipline that aims to convey a religious discourse or sermon effectively.

Homiletics, therefore, involves the selection, organization , and preparation of material used in preaching. The objective of the priest or preacher is to be able to clearly communicate what he wants to spread.

Through homiletics, the elaboration, composition and styles of sermons are analyzed to present them correctly in religious discourse. This is how God 's teachings are transmitted to the faithful and the evangelizing task is carried out.

It is important to keep in mind that the Vatican has stressed that there cannot be improvisation in the homily. That is why in 2015 he presented a Homiletical Directory with advice so that priests can prepare homilies and improve their reach to all believers.

These homiletic suggestions were compiled by the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments . Pope Francis himself laid the foundations of the document by stating that the homily is not an “entertainment spectacle,” although it must contribute fervor to the celebration . The Supreme Pontiff also warned that the preacher who does not prepare his homily is irresponsible and dishonest.

Knowing how to use the voice and mastering gestural language are two issues of homiletics that help increase the effectiveness of the homily, according to the criteria accepted by the Holy See .

Finding an interesting and - why not? - original idea is not an easy task for a priest, especially during his first years at the head of a parish. This is one of the issues that most concerns students of homiletics, but it should not become a pressure that is impossible to bear but rather an incentive to ensure that each homily surpasses the previous one.

It is important to remember that religious celebrations are not superficial events, but that the faithful appreciate reflection and the word of God: they will not get angry or lose interest in the mass if the topics are not always shocking, but they will know how to look beyond and take the lessons with them with the hope of meeting their classmates again the next time.

Fundamental points of homiletics

HomileticsIn the difficult task of preparing a homily, the priest pays special attention to the following points:

* the main theme : the sermon must be carried out with a well-defined objective, and that is why the question that triggers the entire organization must be "what do I want to talk about?" Only when the priest can answer it with complete firmness should he proceed;

* the use of texts : relying on the texts of the Bible during the evangelical sermon is a custom that dates back to time immemorial, and has not yet lost strength. For this reason, it is recommended to continue with it to give the ceremony a more divine character ;

* thematic sermon : it is about exposing a particular topic or issue, independently of the biblical texts, in order to focus on the doctrine or set of teachings that the Scriptures offer us in this regard;

* subdivisions : once we have the theme and the texts on which we will rely, for example, it is time to think about the flow of the ceremony, the parts into which we will divide the homily , taking into account the structure that results. yes we must respect;

* the introduction : although it is the first thing, it is often planned at the end of the process. The introduction must be consistent and impressive, to capture the attention of all the regulars and those who enter the temple for the first time and make them stay until the last second.