Definition of



Comics are works that tell a story through drawings that usually also include text.

In order to know and understand the meaning of the term comic strip , it is first necessary to discover its etymological origin. Specifically, we can indicate that it is the result of the sum of two lexical components from different languages:

-The Greek noun "istoria."

-The Latin suffix «-eta», which is synonymous with «small».

Cartoon concept

Historieta is the diminutive of history . That is why the first meaning of the term mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) in its dictionary refers to the narration of an event or a fact of little importance .

The most common use of the concept, however, is associated with the series of drawings that, whether with or without text, form a story . A comic can be developed in just one strip or in an entire book.

The notion is also used as a synonym for comic , defined by the RAE as a succession of vignettes that tells a story. Comics or comics, in short, are present in newspapers, magazines, books and digital media.

Therefore, we can establish that among the synonyms of comics there are words such as comic, comic, joke, joke or even anecdote.


Comics are usually published in magazines and books.

Common Features

The usual thing is that the comic appeals to the juxtaposition of images in an organized sequence to transmit certain information . This allows the development of a graphic narrative . The creator of comics is called a cartoonist .

It is possible to recognize multiple genres of comics. There are adventure comics (such as "The Adventures of Tintin" ), science fiction comics ( "Flash Gordon" , "The Eternaluta" ), comic strips ( "Peanuts" ), erotic comics ( "Clara by Night"). ) and crime comics ( "Dick Tracy" ), among many others.

Comics can also be about investigation, sports, war, love, dramatic, fantastic or historical.

Other features of comics

Other interesting facts about the comics are the following:

-They can be found both in paper and in digital format.

-There are different theories about the origin of the comic strip. Thus, there are those who consider hieroglyphs to be the first comic strips, while other personalities believe that the first comic strip as such appeared in 1895 in the United States. This responded to the title of "Yellow Kid."

-Entertaining, transmitting a message or having a pedagogical purpose are three of the objectives that any comic can fulfill.

-Within comics, the so-called manga, which are of Japanese origin, have achieved important recognition internationally in recent years.

-It is considered that among the main elements that every comic can or should have are illustrations, onomatopoeias , vignettes, speech bubbles and the so-called lines of expression, which are graphic characters that are responsible for giving meaning to complicated elements. to express what movement can be like.

famous creators

One of the most famous comics creators in our language was the Argentine Roberto Fontanarrosa (1944-2007). In addition to writing stories and novels, Fontanarrosa created comics such as "Boggie, el aceitoso" and "Inodoro Pereyra" , which achieved great repercussion.

In English, superhero comics by authors such as Stan Lee , Jack Kirby , Frank Miller and Bob Kane , parents of "Spider-Man" , "The Fantastic Four" , "Thor" , "The Avengers" , "Hulk" are very popular. » and «Batman» , among others.