Hiccups are a spasm of the diaphragm followed by the immediate closure of the epiglottis (a type of valve that covers the entrance to the larynx), which generates a high-pitched sound that is projected inward, as if breathing and speaking at the same time. . The spasm is involuntary and can repeat several times per minute; Hiccups can last, in the most extreme cases, up to several months, requiring a medical consultation. However, hiccups are usually common and should not cause concern.
The causes of hiccups are usually unknown. In any case, there are times when hiccups appear due to failure of the duodenum, abdominal surgery , a stroke, a tumor or some disease that affects the nerves that control the diaphragm. Spicy and overly seasoned foods can also cause hiccups.
Hiccups when eating
In the case of eating , hiccups occur when eating very quickly or in large quantities . This situation, added to the possible condiments in the food, generates irritation of the diaphragm, which rises suddenly and alters breathing . When this irregularity reaches the larynx , hiccups arise.
There are several remedies and tips to stop hiccups. The most common are holding your breath , drinking water without breathing and scaring the person affected by the problem . More severe cases can be treated with medications such as haloperidol , metoclopramide , chlorpromazine and baclofen .
Incorrect breathing
Another not so well-known cause of its appearance is incorrect breathing . However, just like body posture , it is a basic issue that most of us do poorly, whether for cultural reasons, such as our pace of life, the characteristics of seats and beds, and the transmission of bad customs from generation to generation; Given that we never see a wild animal going to a traumatologist or having a hiccup attack that lasts minutes, it is likely that our furniture and the work we do collaborate with all these deformations of our physiological functions .
Correct breathing , in theory, is lost shortly after birth, and it is very different from that used by most adults, with the exception of certain athletes and lyrical singers. It consists of using less than a third of the lungs , starting at the base; Taking air to accommodate it in this region has the visible result of swelling of the abdomen , and this is noticeable in newborn babies and animals. When faced with an attack of hiccups, following the steps just described, accompanied by holding your breath for a few seconds before releasing it slowly, is excellent advice.
According to the Guinness Book of Records , the longest case of hiccups ever documented was that of Charles Osborne , who had an attack that lasted from 1922 to 1990 , no less than 68 years .
Hiccup as a prefix
On the other hand, hypo is a prefix that can denote several meanings: in some cases it is used to form words related to horses, as is the case of hippodrome ; However, its most frequent use indicates a condition of inferiority, of being below something else, and even of subordination.
Some of the most common words that begin with this prefix are hypothermia (a phenomenon characterized by an atypical drop in body temperature), hypocenter (deep region of the Earth's crust where an earthquake originates) and hypoglycemia (excessive drop in body temperature). glucose level in the blood).
One of the most curious cases is that of hippopotamus , which receives two interpretations: understanding that popotamus derives from a Greek word that can be translated as "river" or "stream", the aforementioned term can mean "water horse" or "water horse ". "underwater" , although the first is the meaning accepted by the majority.