Definition of


SwellingThe consequence of swelling is called bloating . The verb inflate , for its part, refers to increasing the volume of something by incorporating a fluid, air or another element.

For example: “Lactose causes swelling in my stomach,” “I didn't have any major discomfort during the pregnancy, although I did suffer from swelling in my feet,” “The blow caused swelling in my leg that lasted for several days.”

Swelling can occur for multiple reasons. The body, when faced with a disease , an infection or an injury , reacts by swelling in some area. The soft swelling generated by serosity infiltrating the cellular tissue, in this setting, is known as edema .

Swellings, therefore, can be localized (when they affect an organ or a specific part of the body) or generalized . It is usually a clinical sign that the doctor must interpret to make a diagnosis.

Poor blood circulation and fluid retention are recurring reasons for swelling. That is why kidney failure, nephritis, thrombosis and lymphatic obstruction are some of the disorders that cause swelling.

During pregnancy , it is common for women to experience swelling of the ankles and feet . This is because the uterus, when enlarged, presses on the veins, causing blood return to the legs to be slower and blood to be retained in the tissues.

Abdominal bloating , finally, is also common, both in men and women. It is usually due to the accumulation of gases or liquids in the abdomen after excessive food intake and is reversed when digestion is complete.

SwellingAlthough traditional medicine has a large number of treatments to deal with simple situations such as localized swelling, many people cannot resist the temptation to practice home medicine and this can lead to effective healing but also to certain complications. unnecessary. The use of medicinal plants is often preferable to the consumption of drugs of industrial origin, but the problem is that we do not always find a reliable source of information and then we can worsen a mild condition.

One of the best tips to treat any imbalance in the body is to practice physical exercise frequently. We must not forget our origins: we are animals, we descend from beings that lived in nature, who climbed trees with the ease that we have today to walk on the asphalt, who had to move constantly in search of food and shelter. Sport was something natural for our ancestors, and in our current state it still offers us endless benefits.

Swelling due to the accumulation of fluid or fat, for example, is an anomaly, something that does not comply with the rules of the body's normal functioning, a biological alteration or a defect in the system . If we think that the body is perfectly capable of maintaining balance and correcting all the small problems that alter its normal form, then we must find a way to keep it active so that it takes care of the rest.

Through moderate exercise and according to our possibilities, the body is able to eliminate swelling naturally, since the muscles release a series of substances with anti-inflammatory properties into the blood that stop the production of fat. Another tip to combat this and other disorders is to avoid stress , one of the worst evils of our era. As a complement to a positive and determined attitude, we can take advantage of the advantages of yoga, relaxation and massages.