Definition of



Iron is a metal that is used in the industrial field.

The chemical element whose atomic number is 26 is called iron . It is a malleable metal, of great tenacity and ductility, which is found in large quantities in the crust of our planet.

Iron (a term that comes from the Latin word ferrum ) is the metal most used in the industrial field. This element, on the other hand, is part of the composition of various substances that are essential for living beings.

Iron and the human being

For human beings , the importance of iron, whose symbol is Faith , is enormous. In fact, there is a historical period known as the Iron Age , a name linked to the discovery and rise of the use of this metal for the manufacture of tools and weapons.

The Iron Age began at different times depending on the region . On the European continent, for example, its beginning is located around the year 800 BC . At that time, metallurgy linked to this metal began to develop.

Today iron is used in numerous areas. Steelmaking is the technique that allows iron ore to be treated to produce various alloys. In this framework, the alloy known as steel , which is a mixture of iron and carbon, is in high demand.

Its presence in the body

In the same way, we cannot ignore that iron is also the mineral that is necessary to be found in the human body. And it performs very important functions for good health, such as forming hemoglobin, which is responsible for transporting oxygen to the different tissues.

Specifically, humans lose the iron they have in their body through urine or feces and even through peeling of the skin. Hence, you should eat foods that provide you with more iron so that your iron levels are balanced at all times. And if you have a lack of it, you can suffer what is called anemia.

Specifically, the foods that are considered to provide the most iron are spinach, legumes, hazelnuts and almonds, beans, walnuts, chicken and turkey thighs, oily fish...Likewise, you should know When you eat these foods, it is advisable to take them with fruits that have vitamin C because they will allow the body to better absorb all the iron from them.


In livestock farming, iron is an instrument used to mark animals.

Iron in livestock

In the field of livestock farming , on the other hand, the idea of ​​iron refers to the instrument used to mark animals .

By extension, the brand that is engraved on the skin of cattle through pressure with a hot iron is also called iron. In ancient times, iron was also used to brand slaves and criminals.

An Eastwood film

Furthermore, we cannot ignore that one of the films that is already a classic in the history of cinema has the word in question in its title.

We are referring to the film "The Iron Sergeant" , which was released in 1986 and is directed by and starring Clint Eastwood .