Definition of


Boy drinking water

A person should drink at least two liters of water a day to maintain adequate hydration.

Hydration is the act and result of hydrating . This verb (hydrate), meanwhile, refers to giving adequate moisture to something or combining a substance with water .

The idea of ​​hydration can refer to the amount of water that the body of a living being needs to function correctly . In the case of humans , it is recommended to consume at least two liters of water a day to maintain hydration.

Water, a vital element

It is important to keep in mind that water allows the transport of nutrients to tissues and organs and enables chemical reactions essential for life to take place. As the body constantly loses water, it is essential to incorporate this liquid to maintain hydration.

Water loss increases with physical activity since sweating increases. Therefore, when exercising , it is essential to drink water.

Although there are people who cannot let thirty minutes go by without drinking a glass of water, there are others who are not aware of this need, who do not satisfy it spontaneously, or who claim not to feel it. The latter must impose on themselves the obligation to take care of their hydration as if it were a routine, trying not to consume all the liquid at once but in doses spread throughout the day.

Not only feeling thirsty is an indicator of poor hydration. Dark-colored urine can also reveal that the body is not well hydrated, as can intense fatigue and headache . These symptoms, however, can be associated with other disorders, so a medical professional must be in charge of interpreting them.

In certain specific areas, such as singing, acting or speaking, on the other hand, lack of hydration can have repercussions beyond health , becoming an obstacle to professional life. A singer who does not keep his instrument hydrated runs the risk of damaging it , negatively affecting his vocal extension, his timbre, his elasticity and the projection of his voice. This last point also affects the other professions mentioned, since they depend on this for the public to hear them and to express themselves clearly.

How to ensure adequate hydration

Beyond drinking water, people can drink other drinks to promote proper hydration: juices , infusions , etc. Even eating fruits and vegetables provides water to the body. Some vegetables, such as cucumber, and fruits, such as watermelon, are especially recommended to hydrate the body.

Hydration, on the other hand, refers to ensuring that the skin and hair have the correct moisture. For this, there are lotions, creams and other products that help meet the needs.


Animals also have to take care of their hydration to survive.

Each person's skin is different, and that is why in some cases it becomes necessary to resort to certain products, natural or industrial , to maintain its hydration at favorable levels . There are those who enjoy a privileged shine and texture, but there are also dry skin that suffers too easily if it is not properly maintained.

Something similar happens with hair , since in the case of the oiliest ones it is not necessary to hydrate them, but rather take care of them to reduce the chances of baldness. But dry ones require complementary hydration , as much as the skin, and for this there are also products of all types that we can use to wash them and restore the moisture they lose daily.