Definition of

Newspaper archive


Newspaper libraries are libraries or archives specialized in periodical publications.

A newspaper library is a library that specializes in newspapers and other periodical publications . It can operate in its own building, in a specific room or in a specific section within a traditional library.

Newspaper archives can classify their content in different ways (by topic, country of origin or date). Many print media have their own newspaper archives, which function as archives where they store each of their publications. Sometimes these archives are open to the general public, while in other cases, only company employees or researchers are allowed to enter.

Newspaper archives and the Internet

The Internet has changed the way newspaper libraries work. On the one hand, many newspaper libraries have digitized their collections so that they can be consulted remotely via the Web. On the other hand, there are newspaper libraries that, although they have not digitized their archives, have developed some kind of database so that interested parties can consult the catalogue before visiting the building.

For example, a researcher enters a newspaper archive site and searches for all publications containing the phrase “American history of the 16th century.” After analyzing the results, he or she finds five records of interest. The researcher can take note of the location or code of these publications to facilitate access to the material once he or she visits the archive.

Among the virtual newspaper libraries, the one developed by the Miguel de Cervantes Virtual Library stands out. It presents the digital editions of numerous scientific and cultural journals from various thematic areas, which can be accessed from search forms or from lists of titles organized according to different criteria.

Printed publications

Magazines may be present in newspaper archives.

Classification according to type

It is important to note that within newspaper archives we can find different classifications, for which each text included must meet a series of characteristics.

* Newspapers : This classification includes those periodical publications that present breaking news and have a particular format, in which a certain distribution of the news and a typography different from the rest of the daily publications can be highlighted.

In turn, they can be classified according to their content or their area of ​​implementation.

-Depending on their content , they may be general or specialized information. (In both cases, they must be informative texts, but in the second case, precision in the use of a specific scientific language is also required).

-Depending on their area of ​​implementation, they can be local, regional, provincial, national or international. (They always have the objective of informing, but depending on the type of public that is going to read them, they will use concise vocabulary or vocabulary specific to a region).

* Magazines : Although their content may resemble newspapers and even some books, they are distinguished by their external appearance. Like books, they have a summary similar to an index; and as for their similarity to newspapers, the regularity of their appearance can be mentioned.

They can also be classified by their content, as general or specialized . And by the public they are aimed at, as technical (aimed at an audience that handles a certain vocabulary and specific knowledge on a topic) or as informative (developed for all audiences, with few demands).

* Bulletins, annals and reports : These are usually published annually and are prepared by institutions that wish to share the activities they carry out with the general public or with those who are part of them. In addition, they can provide them with knowledge regarding studies or research.

They are widely used in academies to share the organization's activities with students and provide them with information that can help them in their academic work.