Definition of


deciduous tree

The beech is a deciduous tree that is part of the Fagaceae family group.

Beech is the common name given to a deciduous tree belonging to the Fagaceae family, a species that can reach a height of 30 meters. It is characterized by having a thick grayish trunk , tall branches, a rounded crown and oblong leaves whose tips are sharp and have serrated edges.

The fruit of this tree is known as beechnut , while the wood of these specimens is reddish white and stands out compared to others for its notable resistance .

Beech development

The beech needs to develop in fertile soils , especially those where there is a high level of lime. To grow healthy and strong, it needs to receive abundant rainfall since its transpiration rate is high. The beech beam is usually placed horizontally to capture as much light as possible. In this way, it is difficult for other plants to survive in its surroundings. In certain forests , the beech shares the terrain with fir trees or other deciduous species.

The beech is a long-lived tree, which grows slowly and multiplies through seeds. Once it manages to grow it becomes very resistant. Beech trees are used to provide shade in large spaces. Its wood , on the other hand, is very popular in carpentry , turning and cabinetmaking .

Beech flowers, according to those who specialize in gardening, have medicinal properties and are used in various remedies. These properties were discovered by the Welsh doctor Edward Bach , the creator of the famous Bach Flowers .

Conjugation of the verb haber

Equally relevant is that we highlight that hay is a conjugation of the verb haber that is used in various cases. Likewise, it is well used when conjugating various verbs in their compound modes and also together with infinitives that mean necessity, duty or convenience.

In many cases it is confused with halla . However, this conjugation has nothing to do with having but with the verb find which is synonymous with finding, discovering, finding something or knowing.


The Hague is the administrative capital of the Netherlands.

Beech as a name

In addition to all of the above, we can also emphasize that in Spain , and more specifically in the autonomous community of Cantabria , there is a municipality whose toponym is El Haya . It is a town of just five inhabitants, which is three kilometers from Mata Porquera and is located about 1,000 meters above sea level.

In the same way, in Mexico , in the state of Veracruz , we also find a nucleus called Haya . Furthermore, this country is in whose city of Jalapa any visitor will have the opportunity to discover the beauty of the El Haya Ecological Park .

The Hague , in turn, is the administrative capital of the Netherlands . The International Court of Justice operates in this city, among other institutions of the United Nations (UN) .

a donation

Another of the meanings of this term that we are addressing is found within the use of Spanish in Spain .

And in that country, that was formerly used to refer to the donation that dance school students gave to their teachers when various festivities were celebrated, such as Christmas .