Definition of

Habeas data


Habeas data is the legal recourse that a person has to access information about themselves available in registries or data banks.

Habeas data is the legal resource available to every individual that allows access to an information bank or data record that includes informative references about himself. The subject has the right to demand that part or all of the data be corrected in the event that it causes any type of harm or is erroneous.

It should be noted that, although it was previously indicated that correct writing should include an accent in the first letter A of habeas ( habeas ), it is currently recommended to dispense with the accent and write the term in italics.

Habeas data regulations

Habeas data has been regulated by the legislation of numerous nations and is also contemplated in personal data protection regulations. Argentina , Spain and Uruguay , among other countries, have control bodies that supervise the handling of said information of their citizens carried out by both private companies and public institutions.

Habeas data , therefore, represents a guarantee on the proper handling of personal information that is under the knowledge of third parties. This makes it possible to prevent abuse and correct inadvertent errors in the administration and publication of said data.

In other words, it is a right that all citizens protected by jurisdiction have to know, update and modify the information that is disclosed about them in the different data banks or files of public or private organizations.


Habeas data is a right.

Its importance in financial information

This legal resource is usually very important when it comes to financial information . Habeas data enables a person to know their own credit history and to know who has been provided with said information. The subject may also demand that, once the information expiration period has expired, all negative details be deleted from his or her credit history, to give an example of a situation that often occurs in practice.

The habeas data resource has also been used by public figures such as models and actresses who demanded the elimination of their names in Internet search engines that linked said data to pornographic content.

Habeas data and risk centers

A concept linked to habeas data is that of risk centers ; This is the name given to certain organizations that offer a service that collects information in a database about each of their clients , allowing access to the specific dissemination that is being done about them and being able to collaborate on their behalf if data that is not truthful or any type of information that they have not authorized.

Both legal and natural persons can join the risk centers, and they are allowed not only to access all of their collected information, but also to update or rectify any of the data present in the risk center's database.

At the same time, it is worth mentioning that the reports prepared by the risk centers contain all information that is related to the financial or commercial activity of the people involved and said reports must always be at their complete disposal .

Data update

Regarding updating the information found in the databases, we will give an example for a better understanding. If a debtor catches up with his overdue obligation, the entity with which he has resolved said economic discrepancy must inform the risk center and it will automatically reflect the client's reality; However, the above situation should not be deleted from the database.

In other words, risk centers have the obligation to maintain an updated report on people, so that no client is classified as delinquent if they have already caught up with their debts.