Definition of


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We can create adverbial constructions with "guisa", such as "a guisa de aviso".

Guise is the manner , form or mode of something. The concept refers to the style or condition of a thing.

Some examples

Let's look at the term in three example sentences: “The government announced the form of protocols that will govern public roads within the framework of the coronavirus pandemic” , “As a warning, the singer clarified that he would leave the press conference if he was asked about his divorce” , “The coach recalled other similar situations and mentioned, as an example , what happened last year with the Uruguayan striker” .

In these three examples we see at least two nuances of the meaning of the word guisa , which is not widely used in everyday speech and can be difficult to apply if not observed in context . In the first, the speaker says that the government made public the kind of protocols that will be imposed for the behavior of citizens in public spaces in the context of the coronavirus; the word guisa in this case has a meaning that has fallen into disuse, but even today we can find it in some contexts where the language is old-fashioned or very high-level.

We continue with the second sentence, in which the meaning is manner , since it is used to construct an adverbial complement that helps us understand "in what way /manner/form" the singer announced his decision not to tolerate questions about his divorce. Since we do not have an adverb for the noun warning in our language, we are forced to place it in a sentence like the one in the example to ensure that it fulfills this grammatical function.

The third sentence makes a similar use of the term guisa to the previous one, since it allows the noun example to be taken and given the character of an adverb. In this particular case, we are dealing with a football coach who tells his listeners about a situation that took place the previous year with a Uruguayan player. Although in Spanish we do have the term ejemplarmente , its meaning is “in an exemplary manner”, so it is not useful for this situation.

Link within the discourse

The term guise is often used to construct expressions that make it clear that a phrase or saying is linked to a part of a broader discourse : “As an introduction, I would like to point out that we have been investigating this phenomenon for almost three years” , “The chronicler detailed, as an epilogue, the names of all the victims of the false doctor” , “The writer included a letter from his editor as a prologue” .

In these three examples we can see that the term guise connects two parts of speech, although it does so in a very different way to that provided by, for example, the copulative conjunction AND : while in the sentence "I called by phone and sent them a message" we have two propositions linked by the word AND , with the expressions in the previous paragraph we connect two distant parts of speech, which can occur at a distance of minutes, hours or, if it is a book, hundreds of pages.

Man preparing stew

«Guisa» is a conjugation of the verb «guisar».

The verb «to cook»

On the other hand, guisa is a conjugation of guisar . This verb refers to the action of cooking food over fire, especially when it is cooked in a sauce : “My aunt always cooks meat in a pot and does not use the oven or the grill” , “You cook the food and then I will take care of putting the plates on the table” , “I would like to know how to cook chicken in barbecue sauce” .

As a proper name

Guisa is also the name of several places. A municipality in the Cuban province of Granma and a commune in the French department of Aisne share this name.