Definition of


In order to know the meaning of the term flu, it is necessary, first of all, to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it is a word that derives from French, specifically from “grippe” which, in turn, emanates from the French “grip”, which can be translated as “claw”.

This is the name given to a contagious disease whose manifestations are varied, although it is characterized by fever and colds.

FluAlso known as the flu , the flu can be caused by different viruses of the influenza genus, which belongs to the Orthomyxoviridae family. It is an epidemic or pandemic disorder that is distributed according to seasonal patterns.

The spread of the flu is caused by the expulsion of droplets of saliva or nasal secretions that already infected people make when talking, coughing or sneezing. Typically, the flu affects the respiratory tract.

Among the measures that can be taken to try to prevent the flu, we can highlight some such as the following:

-Do not share food, drinks or cutlery with a person who already has the disease.

-Wash your hands properly several times a day with soap and water.

-Ventilate the rooms of the house well if you are living with someone who has the flu.

This disease is often confused with a cold or cold , since its symptoms are similar. In the specific case of the flu, it usually presents with fever, headache, myalgia, sore throat, cough without mucus, and general malaise.

It is common for the flu to resolve over a few days without the need for medical intervention. However, the disease can worsen and, in certain extreme cases, even cause death. That is why it is advisable to consult a professional when symptoms appear.

The usual treatment for the flu consists of rest and plenty of fluids. Drugs may be given to relieve symptoms , although antivirals are reserved for patients at high risk of complications.

In the same way, in addition to resting and drinking plenty of fluids, there are another series of measures that can be carried out to leave the flu behind. We are referring to some such as the following:

-Eat a healthy, complete and balanced diet. Likewise, it must be established that you must take many products rich in vitamins and minerals.

-Avoid alcohol consumption.

-Leave tobacco aside and avoid places where there is smoke.

-You must avoid being cold and also being exposed to spaces where there is humidity.

-You have to sleep enough hours.

-You can gargle with mixtures of hot water, lemon and honey.

-Under no circumstances should you take antibiotics because these medications are not useful in dealing with the flu.

It should be noted that there are flu vaccines , generally intended for the most vulnerable sectors (young children, the elderly, immunosuppressed, etc.). Hygiene care, on the other hand, is also a useful prevention mechanism since it makes the spread of the virus more difficult.