Definition of


FracasThe concept of gresca derives from greesca , an old Catalan word. The term refers to a fight , a dispute or a shout that is generated when several people confront each other for some reason.

For example: "At the end of the match, the players of both teams got into a fight" , "As a result of the fight, three young people had to be hospitalized for various injuries" , "While the president was giving his speech, a fight occurred in the public , but tempers soon calmed down .

Its etymology reveals that the original term is found in Latin, where it referred to a game of dice that was played in squares and streets, in which the participants used to unleash massive fights due to the frustration of a defeat or upon discovering that another was cheating.

Brawls are usually fights involving many individuals. They generally occur when there are two or more groups acting as sides and each tries to prevail over the other through the use of force .

Fights often occur in the field of sports . Suppose a soccer player hits an opponent; In this situation, a teammate of the attacked player comes to his defense and scolds the attacker. Little by little, more footballers begin to get involved and thus discussions and struggles arise until the brawl breaks out. In the event of incidents, the referee must apply the corresponding regulatory sanctions.

Sometimes fights are motivated by alcohol consumption. Some people tend to act aggressively when intoxicated, as they lose inhibitory barriers. That is why it is common for violent confrontations to occur for no apparent reason.

This term is ideal to address the issue of linguistic borrowings that characterize our language , with so many words that we have taken from Latin, English, Arabic, Greek and French, among other languages. It is curious that we generally forget the contributions that the languages ​​and dialects closest to Spanish have left us, such as in this case Catalan.

FracasLanguage scholars assure that of the peninsular languages, Catalan is the one that has left us the most, both in terms of words and expressions that we use in our daily lives, often without being aware of it. In addition to quarrel , we have capicúa, faena, scab, aioli, chop, canteen, crucible, carnation, mail, lineage, bulk, pride, card, porch, screen, toilet, clock, clover, trip and even quixote , one of the terms most representative of Spanish literature.

In everyday speech in Spain, the expression andar a la brasca is often used to describe a situation in which a person "makes a fuss" or "buzz" and generates a fight, a brawl, a dispute or a tumult in a group of people. of which it is a part. For example, it is often said that someone got into a brawl in a television studio to point out that it sparked a heated argument that led to a massive fight, involving everyone present in a great nonsense. Precisely, one of the characteristics of the brawl is the loss of the objective as it grows in magnitude.

This last aspect of the brawl can be seen in some of its synonyms, such as mess, uproar and confusion , but the list is much more extensive, and contains terms such as dispute, scandal, tumult, hustle and bustle, marmorena, pelotera, camorra, escaramuza and struggle .

Gresca, finally, is the name of a restaurant in the city of Barcelona ( Spain ). This establishment was inaugurated a decade ago by Rafa Peña and is among the Catalan gastronomic venues most valued by critics.