Definition of


The French word grange came to our language as granja . This French word, in turn, derives from the vulgar Latin «granica» which comes from the noun «granum» and can be translated as «grain».

This is the name given to rural land where livestock is raised or agricultural tasks are carried out. The concept is also used to name the establishment associated with this type of activity.

FarmFor example: "We took the children on a tour of a farm and they were amazed by the animals" , "My grandfather has a farm where he makes cheese with goat's milk" , "On the outskirts of the town there are several farms that raise poultry" .

Although the notion is very broad and, at the same time, somewhat ambiguous (since it can refer to different types of enterprises), it can be said that in general a farm is a field with a certain infrastructure that allows the production and marketing of food products . Farms can belong to a family, a company or a community and can be of very diverse size.

Chickens, geese, cows, horses, sheep, goats and rabbits are some of the animals that can be raised on a farm, as well as various species of plants. Hacienda and estancia are other terms that, depending on the context, can be used as synonyms for farm.

Likewise, we cannot overlook the fact that the term in question has also been used to give shape to different titles for cultural works. A good example of this is the film "Animal Farm", which is an American film that was released in 1999 and was directed by John Stephenson.

This is an adaptation of the novel "Animal Farm", written by George Orwell and published in 1945. It is considered one of the classic works in the history of literature and it must be stated that it is a book that, through satire, carries out a forceful criticism of Stalin's Soviet regime.

It tells the story of a group of animals who live on a farm and decide to take matters into their own hands to expel humans from there. Once they succeed, they will establish a series of guidelines and measures to organize themselves and create their own system of government. However, the result will not be what they expected and this system will end up becoming a true tyranny.

In the same way, we cannot overlook that one of the most popular children's songs is the one entitled "En la granja de Pepito", which has accompanied different generations of children.

A model farm is one that allows the demonstration of the operation of new technologies . They are usually appendages of agricultural schools or research centers.

A school farm , finally, is a space where production is combined with pedagogical work, since students are taught various aspects related to animal husbandry, crops and food preparation.