Definition of


Before proceeding to know the meaning of the term large, we are going to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it derives from Latin, exactly it comes from the adjective “grandis”, which can be translated as “huge”.

It is an adjective that, in the first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) in its dictionary, refers to what surpasses in magnitude, relevance, etc. to what is usual or common .

Among the words that are synonymous with large, we can highlight some such as spacious, extensive, magnum, capital, long or vast. On the contrary, among the terms that function as antonyms are from small to minuscule to concise, for example.

BigSuppose that, in a certain city , an average building has five floors or floors. If a company announces the construction of a building that will have thirty floors , it can be said that the building in question will be large .

Similarly, a person who wins $2,000,000 in the lottery can claim to have achieved a very large prize , since most prizes of this type do not usually exceed $10,000.

When this adjective is applied to a human being or an animal , it can refer to adulthood or maturity or corpulence . For example: “I'm a big man, I'm not old enough to go dancing anymore,” “My son says that, when he grows up, he wants to be an airplane pilot,” “I have two big dogs, but I would like to move into a house.” with more space.”

The idea of ​​great can also be used to name an individual who, due to his achievements, qualities or hierarchy, enjoys special consideration or a certain recognition : “Roger Federer is a tennis great who will always be remembered by tennis lovers. sport” , “My uncle is great, he lent me his house on the beach so I could go on vacation with my friends” , “In my opinion, Marlon Brando was the greatest Hollywood” .

In the same way, we cannot ignore that Grande is also a surname. A good example of this is the American actress, composer and singer Ariana Grande (1993), who began her career in the musical “Thirteen” and then experienced great success giving life to Cat Valentine in the series “Victorious.”

Currently she is one of the artists with the most followers on social networks as well as one of the most influential women among young people.

Likewise, in Spain we find the Madrid writer Almudena Grandes (1960), who has become one of the undisputed figures of Spanish literature in recent decades. She is the author of novels such as “The Ages of Lulú” (1989), “Malena is a Tango Name” (1994), “The Three Weddings of Manolita” (2014) or “The Patients of Doctor García” (2017).

Furthermore, another example of Grande as a surname is the figure of the Spanish judge Fernando Grande Marlaska (1962), who has also been the country's Foreign Minister.