Definition of


In order to understand the meaning of the term graduation, it is necessary, first of all, to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can state that it derives from Latin. We can precisely state that it is the result of the sum of several lexical components of said language:

-The verb “graduari”, which can be translated as “to graduate”.

-The suffix “-cion”, which is used to indicate what is “action and effect”.

Graduation is the act and result of graduating : granting a degree or accessing it; appreciating or pointing out the degrees of something; dividing an element into degrees. To understand what a graduation is, therefore, it is essential to know what degrees are.

GraduationWith its etymological origin in the Latin gradus , degree is a term that can refer to a level , a value or a state . The title obtained upon completing an academic career or gaining a certain amount of experience is also called a degree.

In the military field, rank is the category held by a member of the armed forces . It is the rank held within a hierarchical system, which is usually displayed through stripes or insignia on the uniform.

Soldier, corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, colonel and general are some of the ranks that usually exist in the armies . Those who begin their military career start from the lowest rank and can advance as the years go by and they accumulate merits.

The alcohol content , on the other hand, reflects the amount of alcohol that a drink contains. This percentage concentration measurement by volume indicates, in degrees, how many volumes of alcohol there are in one hundred volumes of the drink , taking the measurement at a temperature of 20º C. A liquor that has an alcohol content of 32º, for example, has 320 millilitres of alcohol per litre.

Graduation is the ceremony held to recognize people who have completed their studies and obtained a certain academic degree . This ceremony may feature students who have completed secondary education or who have graduated from a higher education institution.

In Spain, this type of university graduation ceremony, in addition to the presence of the graduates and their closest relatives, requires the presence of important academic authorities. In addition, the ceremony must begin with the singing of the hymn “Gaudeamus igitur”.

Likewise, it should not be overlooked that in countries like the United States, before the so-called graduation ceremony takes place, there is a graduation party. This is a celebration in which young people who are going to graduate come in pairs and elegantly dressed to spend an unforgettable evening among friends and classmates, eating and dancing.

Many American films, such as “High School Music”, “American Pie” and “Can’t Wait”, do not hesitate to show these parties. These celebrations have also inspired writers to give them a leading role in their works. This would be the case, for example, of Stephen King, whose novel “Carrie” has the climax of the plot at one of these parties.