Definition of



The notion of gradient is used in physics and chemistry.

Before entering fully into the meaning of the term gradient , we are going to proceed to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can emphasize that it is a word that derives from Latin, exactly from "gradiens, gradientis", which can be translated as "that descends" or "that takes steps".

Likewise, it must be noted that this is a technicality that was created in the field of physics. It is also interesting to know that within this sector it is very common to talk about Laplacian, which is the divergence of the gradient.

Gradient concept

The notion of gradient , in short, is used in the field of physics to refer to the ratio between the change in the value of a magnitude at two points and the distance recorded between them .

Starting from this idea, the concept is used in multiple areas. The gradient can be the difference in intensity of an energy or an effect at two different times or points.

The concentration

The concentration gradient , in this framework, is the magnitude that reflects in what proportion and direction the most important modification occurs in the concentration of a solute that is dissolved in a solution that is not homogeneous. It is, in other words, a difference in concentration .

If we focus on cell membranes, the concentration gradient refers to the difference in concentration of ions found in different places on the membrane in question.


The thermal gradient reflects the change in temperature per unit of distance.

Thermal and pressure gradient

The temperature gradient or thermal gradient , on the other hand, refers to the change in temperature per unit of distance. When a temperature gradient occurs, heat transfer occurs from the warmer body to the colder body.

There is also the pressure gradient or barometric gradient , which is produced by the pressure difference registered in a fluid. The usual thing is to mention the change in pressure per unit of depth.

The notion in mathematics

In the same way, it must also be emphasized that the term in question is widely used within the field of mathematics. In that case, it is used as a synonym for a vector-type value function which, therefore, is a scalar function.

In this field it is also known by the name of gradient vector and it has characteristics such as that it becomes null in what are the stationary type points and that it becomes orthogonal class with regard to the so-called surfaces. equiscalars. Likewise, we must add the fact that it points towards the direction in which the directional derivative is maximum.

It is interesting to know that in order to make the calculation of gradients and partial derivatives as easy as possible, there are online calculators that allow these operations to be carried out quickly and with complete accuracy.

Gradient as slope

A gradient, finally, is a slope or a decline .

The notion, thus, can refer to a difference in level that is generated by a certain degree of inclination. In this case, the gradient usually reflects the relationship between the horizontal distance and the vertical distance.