Definition of


GlottisGlotis , with etymological origin in the Greek glöttís , is a term that refers to the front opening of the larynx . It is an opening in this tubular organ made up of cartilage.

The glottis can be seen at the back of the throat . Air passes through the glottis, allowing the vibration of the vocal cords and, therefore, the generation of the voice . If the glottis closes completely, sound is not produced.

The glottis also allows air to reach the lungs. Above the glottis is the epiglottis , a cartilaginous structure that blocks the glottis when swallowing: in this way, food does not enter the respiratory system.

Swallowing is the process carried out for food to pass from the mouth to the stomach. When the epiglottis is at rest, air can pass through the glottis and reach the lungs. On the other hand, during swallowing, the epiglottis folds to cover the glottis and thus prevent food from entering the trachea and lungs.

The glottis, in short, is obstructed and released by the epiglottis according to the needs of the organism . In breathing and phonation, the glottis and epiglottis are separated to allow air to circulate. At the time of swallowing, the glottis and epiglottis come together to cover the hole and prevent food from passing into the respiratory tract.

One of the most serious diseases associated with this part of the body is precisely cancer of the glottis , also called in the following ways: cancer of the larynx , throat , vocal cords or, simply, laryngeal cancer . The reason we can refer to this problem in so many ways is because this cancer affects all of these areas of the throat.

Despite being a serious disease, glottic cancer presents a series of symptoms that at least make it possible to detect it in time to begin treatment. Let's look at some of these symptoms below:

Glottis* abnormal sounds or noises when breathing, especially high-pitched;

* cough, with or without blood;

* difficulty swallowing;

* hoarseness that lasts indefinitely, unlike temporary hoarseness, which usually does not exceed two weeks;

* pain in the throat area, impossible to relieve with antibiotics;

* weight loss independently of the characteristics of the diet;

* bumps or swelling in the neck.

The causes of glottis cancer are several, although they generally revolve around the individual's lifestyle. For example, people who are exposed to tobacco smoke, either directly or indirectly, are very likely to suffer from this disease. Another factor that carries the risk of developing glottic cancer is excessive alcohol consumption. People who combine both habits considerably increase the risk.

Cancers that affect the throat generally appear in adults over 50 years of age . It is worth mentioning that men are ten times more likely to suffer from them than women.

At the doctor's office, a lump in the neck can be detected through a physical examination. The professional may then order a biopsy of the tumor and a CT scan of the head, neck, and chest. If the tumor turns out to be malignant, then treatment may be indicated with the goal of completely removing it and preventing it from spreading to other parts of the body. While small tumors can be removed with surgery or radiation therapy, large tumors are treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy.