Definition of



A giant is a creature that stands out for its enormous size.

Giant is a term that can be used as an adjective or as a noun . The concept is linked to that which has a size much larger than what is considered usual or normal .

The idea can be applied to refer to physical or symbolic issues . This means that someone can be mentioned as a giant because of their talent, their abilities, etc., and not because of their body.

Giants in fiction

If we focus on the field of fiction and mythology , giants are humanoids that stand out for their enormous size, associated with enormous strength. Although their traits depend on different cultural traditions and each author, they are generally aggressive creatures that attack human beings and spread terror.

The protagonist of the literary work that is considered the oldest, in fact, is a giant: Gilgamesh . This Sumerian ruler is named as the son of a priest and a goddess and is said to have measured more than 5 meters.

If we focus on the myths of Ancient Greece , we find the cyclops . These giants had a single eye located in the middle of the forehead. In the Bible , Goliath is a giant who was defeated by King David .

The giants who chase Lemuel Gulliver in “Gulliver's Travels” are also well known. This book was published by Jonathan Swift in the 18th century .


Cyclops are mythological giants who have a single eye.

Its existence in reality

It is interesting to note that there are those who maintain that giants existed in reality. Based on biblical texts and popular culture , they affirm that long ago there were giant people.

Guido von List (1848-1919) and Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891) are among the authors who spread or defended this theory. However, science does not support this type of version, limiting the giants to fictional terrain.

It must be clarified, however, that medicine recognizes a hormonal disease called gigantism . Those who suffer from it secrete an excessive amount of somatotropin , the growth hormone, which results in them reaching a height much higher than average.

Gigantism develops in the growth stage. When exaggerated discharge happens later, it is acromegaly . According to what is reliably accredited, the tallest human being of all time was the American Robert Wadlow (1918-1940), who measured 2.72 meters .

Giant in a symbolic sense

As we indicated above, a giant can be referred to as someone who shows extraordinary characteristics . These qualities are given a positive value.

It is possible to express that the Argentine soccer player Lionel Messi , to mention one case, is a giant. He won the Ballon d'Or seven times, was chosen six times by FIFA as the best footballer in the world and is the all-time top scorer for the Argentine national team and FC Barcelona . On the other hand, he was crowned champion of La Liga on ten occasions and of the Champions League in four seasons.

A 7-year-old boy who plays the piano masterfully, an old man who obtained a doctorate, and a woman who bravely faced and managed to overcome a difficult illness can also be classified as giants.