Definition of



Management is made up of highly qualified employees who are responsible for running a company.

The word management is used to refer to the group of highly qualified employees who are responsible for directing and managing the affairs of a company . The term also allows us to refer to the position held by the general director (or manager ) of the company, who fulfills different functions: coordinating internal resources, representing the company before third parties and controlling goals and objectives.

There are different types of management: asset management , which is where the main positions and the highest positions are in the hands of the owners of the company; political management , where management positions are assigned based on political affiliation and loyalties; and management by objectives , where efforts are directed towards a common goal.

Management Responsibility

Management is supposed to be responsible for the success or failure of a business . It is the unit of the company that is responsible for ensuring that the members of the group subordinate their individual desires to achieve common objectives . For this, management must provide its leadership , leadership and coordination capacity.

A manager usually fulfills four simultaneous functions : planning (a plan is established with the necessary means to meet the objectives), organization (it determines how the realization of the plans developed in the planning will be carried out), direction ( which is related to motivation, leadership and performance) and control (its purpose is to measure, qualitatively and quantitatively, the execution of plans and their success).

These four pillars of management require the fusion of different talents and skills, some natural and others obtained through experience and professional training. Leadership, for example, is a very particular concept, in that it is a capacity that one is born with, but that can also be polished considerably through interpersonal relationships in the business environment.


The command of a company is in the hands of management.

Challenges facing the management team

Coordinating a very large team and leading it to a common objective is not an easy task, and leadership must be combined with a series of very specific communication and work techniques to successfully overcome all stages of the process. The first of the functions mentioned above, planning, is as vital and determining as any of the others: if we define a path that is very difficult to traverse with the company's resources, we will put its future at risk.

Even if the other three work correctly, if planning fails, balance will not be possible, and among the potential damages is the demoralization of the team of employees , who will have to face excess work to compensate for initial errors. In positive cases, however, the objectives are determined in a manner consistent with the resources, so that the forecast is realistic and does not entail excessive effort on the part of the staff.

Then the organization comes into play, both of the material components and the team members, to achieve the objectives set in the previous stage without delays or considerable inconveniences. Management must know how to recognize the strengths of each employee to know how to distribute them and assign them the tasks that they can best perform. In full action, day by day you must carry out direction, ensuring that no one deviates from their goal or loses the desire to move forward, for which you must not only supervise and demand but also reward and motivate. All this coexists with the constant control of all aspects of the project, which must be carried out by contrasting each sample with a series of previously defined perfection parameters.