Definition of


GeraniumThe Greek word geránion derived from the Latin term geranĭon , which came to Spanish as geranium . This is the name given to the plant that makes up the family group of Geraniaceae , in turn belonging to the Angiosperms .

Due to their characteristics, geraniums are both angiospermous (their carpels make up an ovary that contains the ovules) and phanerogamous (their reproductive organs can be seen in the form of a flower , where fertilization takes place) and dicotyledonous (their embryo has two cotyledons). These plants are native to the African continent, although they are currently cultivated in much of the world.

Geraniums can have stems up to forty centimeters high. They have petiolate and opposite leaves, flowers of different colors and capsule-shaped fruits with one seed each. According to the coloration and aroma of the flowers and the characteristics of the leaves, it is possible to distinguish between hundreds of species of geraniums.

For the beauty and fragrance of their flowers, geraniums are often grown for landscaping purposes. They grow in soils that are not too humid, with a need for light that depends on the species: some require full sun and others, shade.

Like any plant, geraniums can be attacked by pests or suffer from diseases . Mites , aphids and slugs are some of the animals that can affect it, while fungi can develop on its leaves, staining them.

In this context, it is worth noting that one of the pests that affects these plants is the geranium butterfly , which is native to South Africa but arrived in the Mediterranean region. This lepidoptera eats the leaves of geraniums in its caterpillar stage.

As with almost all plants, geranium has a series of medicinal properties that make it very beneficial for humans. For this reason, its use is not limited to home decoration, but is also used in infusions and other preparations. Let's look at some of its benefits below:

* It is an analgesic : geranium can calm various pains, both mild and intense, and also those that occur chronically. To do this, you must prepare a tea with its leaves. It is important to note that its effects are temporary, which is why it is not a definitive treatment;

* reduces stress : geranium tea is very relaxing, and not only acts on physical pain, but also on bad mood and stress. Precisely, thanks to its chemical components it acts on the endocrine system and collaborates with the balance of hormones that destabilize us emotionally;

Geranium* It is anti-inflammatory : another of the properties of geranium can be seen in the treatment of muscle, joint and intestinal inflammation;

* it is digestive : the bacteria that cause gastrointestinal discomfort and make proper digestion difficult can be combated with the intake of geranium;

* strengthens the immune system : for cases of flu or cold, geranium offers a series of antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties, which can be taken advantage of by chewing its leaves or drinking an infusion;

* improves kidney health : its volatile components strengthen the kidneys and stimulate the action of urination, thanks to which excess fat, water and salts are eliminated.

In short, geranium can be consumed in the form of an infusion or by chewing its leaves directly to take advantage of a large number of benefits. In addition to those mentioned in the list above, some problems it can treat are hemorrhoids, ringworm, tonsillitis, diarrhea, rheumatism, and skin wounds. On the other hand, its essential oil is also used for different purposes, ranging from aromatizing environments to flavoring foods.