Definition of


comic convention

Many geeks attend comic conventions.

Geek is a term that is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ). In any case, the concept, coming from the English language, is used in our language to refer to the individual who feels fascination and interest in computing and issues related to technology .

The geek is usually a specialist in this type of matter. Although there is no precise definition of the concept, its connotations have changed over the years. Long ago, a geek was called a person who was only interested in computers and technological devices , and therefore lacked a social life: he did not have a partner, friends, etc. With the advancement of history and the increasingly predominant place that technology occupies in everyday life, the geek became someone valued thanks to his knowledge.

The interests of a geek

Geeks focus on their hobbies, which are usually technological or, at least, technical in nature. Many times they appeal to their imagination and ability, creating objects of their own where they show their knowledge on these topics.

Online games and video games in general, social networks , smartphones and gadgets are part of the life of a geek. Many times they are also attracted to comics and science fiction: that is why geeks can be linked to geeks .

Cosplay , manga , anime and role-playing games are also part of the universe of geeks, who usually attend events such as comic-cons and fandom meetings. « Star Trek» ( « Star Trek» ); « Lord of the Rings » by JRR Tolkien ; " Harry Potter" by JK Rowling ; and the Marvel or DC Comics sagas, on the other hand, are proposals that captivate the attention of many of these people.

In a broad sense, it is common for geeks to enjoy fantasy literature and graphic novels. He is also attracted to topics such as artificial intelligence , robots , virtual reality and gamer culture .


Collectible card games are a hobby for geeks.

Pride Day

Those who recognize themselves as geeks celebrate Geek Pride Day every May 25 . This holiday, whose date remembers the launch of " Star Wars" in 1977 , was born in Spain as Geek Pride Day and then spread to other countries .

This celebration attempts to give back some of the respect that was denied to geeks for so long. As mentioned above, until not many years ago this term was used in a pejorative sense, as a synonym for "loser" , someone who had no skills in relating to others and who, therefore, led an unattractive life. or undesirable. Needless to say, no one is obliged to follow a certain path, be it social relationships or devotion to computing , since both are valid as long as they do not harm a third party.

Nowadays, the term geek is also used in a derogatory way, although less and less frequently. The main reason is the widespread use of technology: today almost everyone has at least one mobile phone, a device that in the 90s would have seemed like a geek's object.


Geeks who are cosplayers usually dress up as superheroes or characters from television series.

Geeks and nerds

The question often arises about the difference between the terms geek and nerd . Specifically, the latter is defined as a person with considerable intelligence whose tastes and habits are "strange" ; That is, they do not respond to the norm established by society. The geek can also (and usually) be very intelligent, but the fact of being a geek does not lie in this aspect of his personality but in his interests.

The line between geek and nerd begins to dissolve in cases of individuals who feel a deep fascination with highly complex sciences , such as physics or mathematics, and dedicate their lives to them: given that to devote themselves to their vocation and obtain significant fruits they need higher than average intelligence, it is just as valid to classify them as nerds as geeks.

Anyway, in an ideal world we would simply talk about "Nuria, the girl who loves programming and dedicates her entire afternoons to studying" or "Juan, the Japanese comics fan who prefers to stay and read rather than take a walk around the park" , without any derogatory meaning.

It is still curious and even irrational that a person who is attracted to science, literature and technology is the object of ridicule for this reason. In the school environment, it is even common for so-called nerds to be victims of bullying simply for studying or for acting responsibly. It is the responsibility of the entire society to banish these aggressions and instill positive values.