Definition of


ChiffonThe Persian word kaž or gaz derived from the classical Arabic qazz or hazz , the etymological antecedent of the term gauze . This concept is used in our language to refer to a fine and clear fabric , which can be made with thread or silk.

It can be said that chiffon is a kind of mesh that is made up of a certain number of threads. Depending on the number of threads, the gauze will have greater or lesser quality . The threads, in turn, can have different characteristics.

In the field of the textile industry, chiffon is used to make various types of clothing , and even handkerchiefs, tablecloths and curtains. It is a light and delicate fabric, widely used to create summer clothing ( pants , skirts, skirts, tunics, etc.).

Gauze is also very important in the field of medicine and nursing. It is an essential element in first aid since it is used to cover wounds .

These gauze pads are sterilized or impregnated with some type of substance that has therapeutic action. A common procedure to prevent infection is to wash and disinfect a wound and then cover it with gauze. Additionally, a dressing or bandage is usually placed on this gauze.

This use of gauze on a medicinal level is explained by the absorption capacity of the fabric, which also does not stick to the wound . In this way it is possible to protect wounds in a simple way, contributing to safe healing.

With this objective, that is, to protect wounds against potential infections, the most used material since the creation of gauze has always been cotton . Two products that can be created with gauze to cover an injured area are the compress and the bandage .

A compress is understood to be a thin cloth or gauze cloth that is folded more than once until a strip is formed. Its use focuses on containing bleeding, applying heat to an area with muscle problems and protecting wounds. It is also used as a complement when spreading certain medications on the skin.

Another use of the compress is exclusive to women, since it involves the absorption of menstrual flow, the bleeding that occurs every time an unfertilized egg is expelled from the ovary. In this case, the product is called a sanitary pad .

ChiffonThe term bandage, on the other hand, is defined as a series of pieces of wool or linen that are joined together and placed on the body as part of various first aid procedures. The bandage is used to cover a part of the body that has been injured; It is usually necessary to keep it on for a few days until the problem is resolved.

Depending on the structure of the chiffon thread, we can distinguish the following four types:

* monofilament : it is the most used worldwide and is characterized by the uniformity it provides to the print;

* multifilament : this is a braiding of threads in which each of the braids acts as a thread of the previous type of gauze. It is used in large runs and its roughness is considerable. Although its price is much higher than that of monofilament gauze, it has the disadvantage that one of its threads can break and block the screen;

* taffeta : it is woven on both sides with a transverse thread that is cut before passing through the warp to have the exact measurement;

* twill : this weave can be made by weaving twice under and once over or twice on each side.