Definition of



A club is a stick or rod.

Garrote is a concept that comes from the French word garrot . The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) recognizes more than a dozen meanings.

The first meaning refers to a very thick hard stick that can be used as a cane . Beyond this specific definition, it is common for club to be used as a synonym for stick in a broad sense, especially when the element is used to hit .

What is a club

Generally, the club or stick that serves as a weapon or tool is called a club. The club, in this way, allows forceful blows to be applied.

It is possible to attack someone or defend yourself with a club. The club can even be lethal.

Suppose a man hits another man in the head with great force. The action can cause various types of injuries and even death. A clubbing (the name given to the blow given with an object of this kind) can also cause a fracture.


With a club you can deliver forceful blows.

A machine for the application of capital punishment

Formerly there was a machine known as a garrote vile or simply garrote that was used for the execution of people sentenced to capital punishment . It was used in Spain and the colonies of this European country between 1820 and the mid- 1970s .

The club was based on a metal collar that featured a screw with a ball . The condemned man was seated in the machine and the collar was placed on him; When the screw was turned, the mechanism broke his neck.

Although when the executioner was very strong, death could occur immediately, in other cases the subject ended up dying from strangulation after extensive agony.

It is interesting to mention that the origins of the vile garrote date back to the time of the Roman Republic . In the Middle Ages it was adopted by the Spanish and the Portuguese and then reached the American continent .

Disappearance of the Fel Club

Although the club was valued for its ease of manufacture, the aforementioned agony to which the victims were often subjected generated rejection. The last execution with this procedure took place in 1974 .

Heinz Chez y Salvador Puig Antich fueron ajusticiados de esta forma en la Barcelona Men's Penitentiary Center, siendo los últimos ejecutados bajo este system. Con la aprobación de la Spanish Constitution de 1978, la death penalty fue abolida en suelo español.

Other uses of the notion

The RAE recognizes many other meanings of garrote. This is what, for example, a sit-in can be called.

Seedlings are new trees or saplings that can be transplanted. The concept also refers to the branch or stake that is planted with the intention of achieving roots. Usually, when talking about a club, the olive tree seedling (the tree that has the olive as its fruit) is pointed out.

The failure of a drawing that shows the discontinuity of a line ; the lever that, in the maritime field, is used to turn the lashing (ligation) of the ropes; and the tourniquet (a resource used to stop bleeding) can also be called a club.