Definition of


A sandgrouse is a bird that is part of the columbiformes group (species with a robust body, short legs and a small beak and head). Sandgrouses are similar to turtle doves , although larger. With white, grayish or black plumage, they have a dark throat and have a reddish spot in the breast area.

BargainIn colloquial language, the idea of ​​bargain is used to name a product that is purchased at a convenient price : that is, lower than usual . A bargain, therefore, is an offer .

For example: “Look at that shirt! It's a bargain, you should take it” , “This chair was a bargain: I paid just two hundred pesos for it” , “I like this place because it's full of bargains” .

Starting from this meaning, we come across the fact that among the synonyms of bargain, words such as advantage, bargain or bicoca, among others, stand out.

Goods offered at a discount or in promotions are bargains. Let's assume that most men's leather shoes are sold at a price between 500 and 1,000 pesos . If a store has a shoe of this type on sale for 250 pesos , it can be said that it is a bargain.

In the same way, we cannot ignore another series of uses and meanings that the word in question has. Thus, we have to emphasize that Ganga is the name of a goddess within Hinduism. Specifically, it is represented with the Ganges River. Hence, taking a bath in that place is considered a way to atone for a sin.

But that's not all. It is established that if the ashes of a deceased person are thrown into that aforementioned river, what this achieves is to put a stop to the cycle of the deceased's reincarnations.

In the field of mining , the useless material that is found next to minerals and that is discarded due to its null value or because using it is too expensive is known as bargain. It is important to keep in mind that the consideration of an item as a bargain may vary depending on the site or the time.

In the minerals found in a mine, a distinction can be made between ore (which is used) and gangue (which is discarded). The mineral taken as gangue in a certain deposit may be interesting in another or may even become useful in the future through new extraction technologies .

Likewise, we have to establish that the term in question can also be used as a person's name and even as a surname. A good example of this is, for example, Ganga Zumba (1630 – 1678), who was a slave who ended up becoming the first monarch of the area known as Quilombo de los Palmares in Brazil.

In the same way, we should not overlook the figure of Sharda Ganga (1966), who is a well-known columnist, film director and writer from Suriname. In his works he has addressed such important topics as HIV or censorship, among others.

In addition, it is necessary to know the existence of the Western Ganga Dynasty, which existed between the years 350 and 1,000 and which was at the head of power in India, specifically in the area of ​​Karnataka.