Definition of


Livestock is the group of animals that live on the same land and move and feed together. The term specifically refers to specimens of cargo or work species or that are exploited by man to take advantage of their meat, milk, etc.

CattleThe idea of ​​livestock, in this way, refers to the group of animals that an individual raises to exploit them and thus obtain economic income . The activity that consists of raising, caring for and marketing livestock is called livestock farming .

Among the synonyms of livestock we find words such as livestock, herd, herd, herd, stud farm or cabin, for example.

Depending on the species , it is possible to differentiate between different types of livestock. Cattle , also referred to as cattle , are made up of cows. This animal is raised in many countries for meat, leather and milk.

Pigs , for their part, refer to pigs , while sheep are made up of sheep. Equine livestock , meanwhile, are made up of horses and goats , made up of goats.

In the same way, we must not overlook that there is what is known as equine livestock, which refers to horses. These livestock can be of different types since these animals come in many varieties: draft horses, saddle horses, oriental horses, western horses...

However, we must not forget that this type of livestock also includes mules, mares and donkeys.

Other information of interest about the different types of livestock that exist are the following:

-Goat cattle are characterized because their origin is fundamentally to obtain milk that will be marketed as such or in the form of other already processed products such as milk. However, although to a lesser extent, it is also important to make goatskin items such as wallets.

-Swine is one of the most important livestock in Spain since thanks to it there are different agri-food industries focused on both its exploitation and the production of food with its meat. Specifically, it should be noted that the use of pork for the production of the famous ham is especially significant.

-Beef cattle, for their part, are important not only for obtaining milk but also for meat.

-Sheep, on the other hand, produce both milk and wool, which is used to make a wide variety of textile products.

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) mentions other types of livestock according to their characteristics. Live cattle , for example, are those that are for sale and that have not yet been slaughtered for consumption.

Small livestock refers to smaller livestock (such as goats and sheep) and large livestock refers to larger livestock (mules, oxen, etc.). If the cattle have not been domesticated or tamed, on the other hand, they are called brave cattle .

At a colloquial level, finally, the notion of cattle refers to a group of people crowded together : “On this train we always travel like cattle,” “There are leaders who try to drag their followers like cattle.”