Definition of


In order to know the meaning of the term galán, it is necessary, first of all, to discover its etymological origin. Thus, we can indicate that it is a word that derives from French, specifically from “galant” which, in turn, emanates from the verb “galer”, which can be translated as “to have fun”.

The concept is used to name a man of great physical attractiveness . For example: “Who is that hunk who is talking to your niece?” , “The girl captured all eyes when she entered the party on the arm of a gallant” , “My grandfather, when he was young, was a very coveted gallant” .

Among the words that can function as a synonym for galán we find some such as gentle, handsome, graceful, airy, handsome, beautiful or adonis. On the contrary, among its antonyms there are words such as ugly, ungainly, grotesque...

GallantA gallant is usually an elegant individual , who dresses well and takes care of his appearance. He generally dedicates time and effort to aesthetics, although there are also men who are considered gallants for their innate beauty, regardless of whether they pay attention to clothing.

Leaving aside the physical, the idea of ​​a gallant is also associated with the subject who treats women respectfully and who behaves like a gentleman. The gallant, therefore, woos : he usually gives flowers and chocolates, opens the car door for his partner, etc.

The notion of gallant, on the other hand, is used to refer to the good-looking actor who usually plays a character who seeks to conquer a woman or who is in love with the heroine of the story . The leading men are usually young people who stand out for their features and their athletic condition.

Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Pierce Brosnan, George Clooney, Richard Gere y Leonardo DiCaprio son algunos de los galanes más populares de hollywood. Estos actores convocan a una gran cantidad de espectadores a los cinemas.

In the same way, we cannot ignore the fact that within the field of botany and science, in general, the term in question is also used. Specifically, we speak of galan de noche to refer to a plant, scientifically known as “cestrum nocturnum”, which can reach 5 meters in height.

Exactly we can say that it is a shrub, which is also called in other countries as lady of the night, which has evergreen leaves, which blooms in the month of May and which is especially recommended for what are mild climates. Yes, because he doesn't tolerate the cold well at all.

Galán , finally, is a fairly common surname in Spanish-speaking countries . The members of the duo Pimpinela , to cite one case, are two Argentine brothers who bear this surname: Lucía and Joaquín Galán .

Nor can we overlook the figure of the writer Roy Galán (1980), born in Santiago de Compostela, who has a bibliography where works such as “Nobody inside you”, “Make it not seem like love”, “La tenderness” take center stage. ” or “Unrepeatable”.