Definition of

Referential function

Informational function

The referential function is also known as the informative function or representative function.

The referential function is a way of using language that is used to transmit information objectively . That is why it is also called the informative function or representative function .

It should be noted that, to establish communication, the sender is responsible for sending a message to the receiver through a certain channel . The individuals involved in this process have to share the same code so that understanding of the message is possible. The referential function, in this framework, is present when the message transmitted refers to something external to the communicative act and that can be subjected to verification.

Characteristics of the referential function

The referential function has several characteristics that allow it to be identified. On the one hand, it is a function of language that appeals to denotation : that is, to the literal meaning of the terms. It is usually based on the use of verbs and nouns for the development of content that has a single meaning (therefore, they are monosemic ).

What the referential function does is point out events or elements of reality. It allows the receiver to access specific data from the surrounding world, without the opinions or desires of the sender appearing in the message. The reference of this function, then, is found outside the communicative act .


Journalism usually resorts to the referential function.

Its use in journalism

The use of the referential function is common in journalism . Journalistic narrative is usually oriented towards the exposition and description of events, making this function appropriate.

Of course, there are nuances and exceptions. When a journalist tries to give an explanation about some political issue, it is likely that he will let his subjectivity emerge and not use the referential function. The same thing happens in the speech of a partisan sports journalist or in the criticism of a show (a play, a concert, etc.).

Suppose that a note published in a newspaper indicates: «According to what can be seen in the security camera footage, the aggressor is a bald man who, at the time of the incident, was wearing black pants and a plaid shirt. . "Records show that he entered the building at 7:45 p.m. on Tuesday, August 4, and left half an hour later." This journalistic article makes use of the referential function.

Let's look at another example: "With two goals from Lionel Messi and one from Ángel Di María, Argentina defeated Belgium 3 to 0." This phrase appeals to the referential function. However, if it is mentioned "With two great goals from the best player in the world, Lionel Messi, and a work of art by Ángel Di María, Argentina gave a show and crushed Belgium 3 to 0" , we are faced with a sentence that incorporates subjective elements and whose statement goes beyond direct information.

Science communication

The referential function is used in scientific communications and texts.

The referential function in scientific dissemination

The referential function in scientific dissemination is of great importance. Using technical language , it allows you to provide specific data and provide knowledge with coherence and without falling into ambiguity.

Making a comparison between two phenomena with the aim of highlighting a contrast or analyzing a cause and effect relationship to explain the origin and/or consequence of something is possible with the referential function. Although in a hypothesis, a theory or an argument of a scientist there is always the vision or position of the specialist, in this area the aim is to share objective data that can be verified .

Its use in colloquial language

In informal language that is used on a daily basis, the referential function can also be used. When someone sends a message on WhatsApp to their friends informing them "I'll wait for you tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. at my house," they are using this language function. The same thing is done by those who, in a dialogue with another person, comment to their interlocutor: "I bought some brown shorts and a green t-shirt at the store in front of the municipality."

«Last night we had mozzarella pizza for dinner», «The notebook cost me 500 pesos» y«Juan has three televisions in his office» son otras expresiones que, por sus características, se enmarcan en el contexto de la función informativa.

Roman Jakobson and the referential function

It cannot be omitted to mention that the referential function is one of the six functions of language that Roman Jakobson described. This Russian thinker born in 1896 and died in 1982 left a mark on linguistics with his work.

In addition to the referential function, Jakobson referred to the emotive or expressive function , which has subjectivity as its primary features and which serves to express emotions and feelings. He also alluded to the conative or appellative function , which aims to influence the behavior of the other.

The phatic or relational function (aimed at promoting the beginning, interruption, extension or closure of a communication), the poetic or aesthetic function (which privileges form over content) and the metalinguistic function (oriented to language itself ) are the other functions of language that Jakobson analyzed in his classification.