Definition of

metalinguistic function


The metalinguistic function aims to provide explanations and clarifications regarding a language.

The metalinguistic function is key in the communication process because it focuses on the language itself, offering an explanation or clarification about the language code . Expressed another way, it allows the speaker to find out what a word or phrase is or means, thus facilitating both written and oral comprehension of the message .

Its characteristics were identified several decades ago by Roman Jackobson, a Russian researcher specialized in phonology who concluded that there are multiple functions of language .

Components of the metalinguistic function

Several components of the metalinguistic function are required for the content of an utterance to be interpreted and received correctly.

First of all, it is essential that there is a linguistic code (that is, signs and informative elements that can be deciphered from semantics ). If speech is used, the code must be oral, just as writing requires the implementation of a written code . In both cases, sender (such the name that identifies the person who generates or transmits a message ) and receiver (subject who receives said content) have to share the code in question in order to understand each other and a specific channel , a physical medium that promotes the development of the communicative circuit .

Of course, it is essential to be aware of what and how the grammatical categories are in order to get the most out of a language.

oral expression

Sender and receiver play a leading role in a communicative act that, to be realized, needs a code, a channel and a message.

Key linguistic aspects

There are key linguistic aspects when learning, for example, which disciplines are linked to language analysis and what is taken into account when carrying out a textual interpretation .

It all starts from the science that focuses its attention on languages ​​and the language of human beings: linguistics . With it as an ally, valuable knowledge is incorporated that is not only advantageous at work but in all day-to-day circumstances: from expressing an emotion or formulating an opinion to making oneself understood in a business, carrying out procedures and correctly accompanying clients. the youngest members of the family as they explore the mother tongue and expand their vocabulary with it.

Within this discipline there is a branch called phonetics that is responsible for identifying and cataloging features of each phone or sound. In this framework, it is worth clarifying that each sound unit useful to differentiate between one word and another is known as a phoneme . From the perspective of scholars such as the North American Noam Chomsky , each phoneme displays, within the mental system that leads to language processing, an independent existence, which is why it can be conceived as a mental unit . Thus, as the issue of language acquisition evolves, children begin to assimilate what phonetic particularities matter, or do not, to give meaning to a certain term.

Another part of linguistics , called phonology , inspects the structure of the sounds specific to each language and observes the sound system in general, therefore complementing phonetics .

We must not overlook pragmatics either, a division of linguistics that is responsible for evaluating how the context influences or generates conditioning when interpreting a meaning. The line of psychology that scientifically explores psychological issues of verbal behaviors, psycholinguistics , takes into account the applications and theoretical contributions of pragmatics .

When delving into the metalinguistic function , it is even noted that the meaning of linguistic signs is the object of study of semantics (which, in turn, is subdivided into groups such as linguistic semantics that is oriented, among others) things, to elucidate each linguistic change). In this framework, it is inevitable to highlight how curious the case of paronyms is. The theory presents paronymy as the semantic relationship that is recognized because at least two words sound similar at the pronunciation level even though their respective meanings and the way of writing them are not similar.

Fundamental, in addition, are the contributions made from morphology (field where the morpheme , that fragment or smaller unit that achieves meaning , enjoys extreme notoriety) and syntax (portion of grammar whose field of work is the order of combination, the function and link of phrases or words in a sentence ).


Textual production fundamentally benefits from having a talent for written expression, as one of the linguistic skills is called.

The metalinguistic function in practice

The metalinguistic function in practice crosses numerous fields on a daily basis: from the educational field to the fields linked to writing from literary creativity, informative intention and the recreational plan of playing with words .

For a message to be well understood and accurate, regardless of the way it is transmitted or what kind of content it has, it must be organized, structured, with coherence . Achieving textual cohesion is another challenge to meet so that the ideas appear organized and each word, sentence , phrase and paragraph is connected and interpreted as part of a whole.

With an excellent command of language , adequate application of punctuation and strategic use of literary figures and other resources, the speaker increases his or her chances of being understood by transmitting a concept loaded with irony , by expressing himself with sarcasm or by developing a metaphor , among others. odds.

In communicators, health professionals, composers, writers and teachers, for example, it is essential that communication skills or competencies be demonstrated because it depends on them to announce something with clarity, precision and efficiency.