Definition of



Fumigation involves using substances that eliminate pests or disinfect.

Before entering fully into the meaning of the term fumigation , we are going to proceed to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can emphasize that it is a word that derives from Latin, exactly from fumigatio , which can be translated as "the action and effect of disinfecting using vapors and fumes." A word that is the result of the sum of the following lexical components:

-The noun fumus , which is synonymous with "smoke."

-The verb agere , which means "to make."

-The suffix -cion , which is used to indicate "action and effect."

What is fumigation

The act of fumigating is known as fumigation . The action consists of the use of suspended dusts, vapors, gases or smoke to disinfect something or eliminate pests from crops.

Fumigation, in this way, usually takes place through the use of chemicals that are spread from an airplane or applied in another way. The purpose is to repel or destroy pests that can affect plants or people's health .


Fumigation helps combat animals that are vectors of diseases.

Pesticide use

In the field of agriculture , the massive use of pesticides in fumigation occurred from the 1980s , when highly effective and low-cost products were developed. This allowed us to begin protecting crops in a more efficient way. However, in the long term, the intensive use of these biocides causes damage to the environment and even causes pests to become resistant.

Fumigation is also a common practice in the urban environment . In houses and buildings, it is necessary to fumigate to eliminate animals that can be vectors of diseases , such as cockroaches and rats .

Home fumigation

When carrying out home fumigation to eliminate the existence of a specific pest, it is necessary to follow a series of recommendations in order to achieve the correct result and also to avoid damage to the health of whoever undertakes this. process. We are referring to tips such as these:

– Adequate protection must be taken to prevent the specific product to be used from causing skin conditions or being breathed in, as they are usually toxic. Therefore, you must protect your skin and nose as well as your eyes and you must also put on gloves.

– At all times, you must follow the instructions indicated on the packaging of the product in question.

– It must be applied, above all, in the most "conflictive" areas and it is necessary to close the rooms in question well for the product to take effect.

Action in public space

On the other hand, the authorities must be responsible for the fumigation of public spaces (parks, squares, etc.). This action is essential to combat infectious diseases such as dengue and yellow fever , which are transmitted by mosquitoes.

The Aedes aegypti mosquito , to cite one case, carries the viruses that cause the diseases mentioned above (dengue and yellow fever). As the females of this species place their eggs in stagnant water, to avoid epidemics it is necessary to prevent water from accumulating in the open air and carry out fumigation tasks.