Definition of

magnetic force


A magnetic force is directed from one pole to the other.

Strength is a word derived from the Latin word fortĭa that refers to the robustness and vigor to cause movement in an object or being that has weight or that causes some degree of resistance; the vigor to support a push or a weight; the most powerful state of something; the action that can modify the state of rest or movement of a body; the natural condition of things; or the act of forcing a subject to perform a certain action.

In the case of the term magnetic, we have to state that its etymological origin is found in Greek and more specifically in the word magnetikos, which can be defined as "relative to the magnet." And it is composed from the sum of the word magnes , which is synonymous with "magnet", and the suffix - ico which is equivalent to "relative to".

Magnetic is that which belongs to or is related to magnetism or that has the properties of a magnet . Magnetism is the attractive force that a magnet exerts on iron or steel , while a magnet is a mineral that brings together two iron oxides and has these magnetic capabilities.

Scope of the concept

The definition of magnetic force refers, therefore, to the dimension of electromagnetic forces related to how charges that are kept in motion are distributed. These forces arise when charged particles move, such as electrons . In the case of magnets, movement produces magnetic field lines that leave and re-enter the body, generating magnetism.

The magnetic force is directed from one pole to the other. Each pole is a point where the lines of magnetic force converge. Therefore, when two magnets approach each other, this force generates an attraction between them as long as the poles are opposite. On the other hand, if the poles have the same polarity, the force of magnetism will cause these magnets to reject each other.


It is possible to detect magnetic forces between magnets.

Magnetic force on a conductor and between magnets

Thus, summarizing and making clear what has been said, when talking about magnetic force we have to make it clear that there are two clearly differentiated types. Thus, firstly, there is what is known as magnetic force on a conductor and secondly we find the magnetic force between magnets.

In the first type mentioned we also come across the existence of two variants within it and this differentiation is based on the rectilinear shape or not of the conductor, which is the wire or thread through which the electric current circulates. An example of magnetic force is found in the compass , whose magnetized needle always points to magnetic north.

Lorentz force

All of the above also leads us to make clear the existence of various works, concepts and studies such as the well-known Lorentz Force Law. This is defined as that force that is exerted by an electromagnetic field that in turn receives an electric current or a charged particle.

The aforementioned force has various variants such as the classic or the alternatives, within which in turn we find the so-called tensor force and the integral force.