Definition of



Ash trees are trees that make up the genus Fraxinus.

The Latin word fraxĭnus came to our language as ash . The term refers to a type of tree that is part of the Oleaceae family group .

Ash trees constitute the genus Fraxinus . There are about sixty species that, beyond the differences they exhibit among themselves, have several characteristics in common.

The common ash

The species Fraxinus excelsior is called common ash . Other colloquial names for this tree are broadleaf ash and northern ash .

Native to mainland Europe and other areas, the common ash usually reaches a height of around 30 meters. It has a very thick trunk, compound leaves, small flowers and a non-dehiscent dry fruit that has its pericarp as a wing.

Other species

White ash , American white ash , American ash or Carolina ash ( Fraxinus Americana ) is one of the most popular species in the genus Fraxinus . It can measure up to 35 meters in height and lives for approximately a century .

Green ash or American red ash ( Fraxinus pennsylvanica ) is similar to white ash. In fact, both species are often confused; In any case, they exhibit differences on the underside of the leaves and develop in different types of ecosystems.

Among the ash trees we also find the black ash ( Fraxinus nigra ); the blue ash ( Fraxinus quadrangulata ); the flowering ash , manna ash or flower ash ( Fraxinus ornus ); Oregon ash ( Fraxinus latifolia ); and the Mexican wild ash ( Fraxinus uhdei ), to mention other species.


A wide variety of products are manufactured with ash wood.

The wood of the ash

Due to its hardness, elasticity and density, ash wood is highly appreciated and is used for the manufacture of multiple products. At a general level, it can be said that it is intended primarily for the production of articles that must have good resistance .

Ash wood is therefore used to make bats, bows and tool handles, for example. In addition, guitars and other musical instruments, boats, furniture, barrels, doors and platforms are made.

Another use given to this wood is as firewood. Thanks to the fact that it even burns when it is still green, this use is quite widespread in many regions.

medicinal use

In traditional medicine, it is common to use the ash tree since different properties are attributed to these trees. The bark and leaves have been used for a long time for the treatment of various meanings.

Among the properties that are usually mentioned, it is indicated that ash is anti-inflammatory, analgesic , laxative, diuretic, healing and astringent. Infusions of its bark or leaves are given to treat digestive disorders, joint problems and circulatory conditions.

It is important to mention that, before ingesting any product intended to affect your health , it is essential to consult a trusted doctor. Self-medicating or following advice from people who are not medical professionals can involve serious risk. It cannot be ignored that, even though an ash infusion is a preparation of natural origin, it may have contraindications and generate adverse effects on the body.