Definition of



The forehead is the upper sector of the face.

Forehead is a concept used to name the upper part of the face . The forehead, therefore, extends from above the eyes until it begins around the skull.

For example: "When you worry, your forehead wrinkles" , "The player was left lying down after a blow to the forehead" , "With incipient baldness, my forehead has been exposed" .

The notion of front is also used to name the front of a house , a building , a car or something else. Thus the front is used in opposition to the back or the sides: "Mariana painted the front of her house blue" , "The front of the building, with its mirrored balconies, is striking" , "The bus crashed head-on into a car" .

Front in the military field

In the military field, the front is the line where two enemy sides meet and, therefore, where direct confrontation is established. The soldiers at the front, therefore, are further ahead than the rest of the members of the army and are the ones who enter combat: "There were many casualties on the northern front," "The soldiers at the front transmitted good news » .

Also within military jargon is the expression "Front, march!" , which is a command or order given by a superior to his subordinates. In Argentina, for example, it is used in everyday speech to denote absolute determination regarding an idea, the decision to move forward without looking back; In any case, the deformation of popular language has turned it into "De frontal mal" , "De frontal manteca" and "De frontal mantecol" . Its use is to replace a "Yes, without a doubt" response when asked about a taste or when seeking confirmation regarding a plan.


The front of a construction is its front part.

Other expressions with the term

Another expression that contains this term is "Go straight" , which means not to beat around the bush , to be sincere . It is used in contexts in which someone keeps a secret that could harm another person, or has a problem with them and has not expressed it yet; If you decide to go ahead, then you will be able to clarify all the points that have not come to light until then. This implies a certain degree of courage in the face of the potential inconveniences that the revelation of the truth may entail.

When it is said that a person does not have even "two brains", we are talking about their poor intelligence in general, in a clearly derogatory way. It is an expression that appears less violent than the use of terms such as imbecile , idiot or stupid , but that in everyday speech has the same meaning. It is usually used in moments of anger or argument, although this does not justify verbal aggression.

In a different context, it can be used to express a wish that someone would be capable enough to understand something: "If you have half a brain, you can't get angry." In this case, it is not necessarily an attack on the person being talked about, but rather uncertainty regarding their potential reaction to a particular topic.

More meanings of the notion of front

For meteorology , a front is a contact area of ​​two air masses that have different temperatures and humidity and that, when moving, generates meteorological changes.

A front, on the other hand, is a coalition or alliance between political parties or organizations: "The Workers' Front will present itself in the next municipal elections."

Front, finally, is an adverb that refers to those who are in conflict : "Tonight, the Filipino boxer will fight against a Russian opponent."